Thursday, December 6, 2012

why union`s are still needed

 If you know history ,then you know why union`s formed.during the late 1800`s the barons of oil,steel,banking..etc.had made the workplace unsafe.workers worked 16 hours a day 6 days a week.accidents climbed ,and you could easily have foreseen that with the work environment at the time,a few would be deadly.if that was not enough,the workers got paid next to,some grouped together and formed unions.but,the baron`s of the day would not allow this,they hired their own private armies to break them up,and they did not mind shooting unarmed civilians.when this happened,(by the way this happened as shown on the men who built America with carnage.)they govenerour called out the national guard.but,this happened several times.
 since then,most workers have better wages,and more free time.but,the barons are back.and they are getting revenge.they have complete control over the republican and tea baggers.they have pressed through laws that have essentially outlawed unions rights.and there dream is an America where you work 18 hrs a day for 6 days a week,where children work for nothing,and you get paid bare minimum.and,of course,the rich get laws protecting them from lawsuits,and being held responsible.and,they pay lower taxes then the barons who built America by blood of the workers.
 yes,there are cases where unions went to far.but if you really look into things like hostess,the unions took pay cuts,and other concessions,while management got greedy,and took more and more money .they are what destroyed the company.this business model was first used by bain capital,buy a company,throw it in deep debt,make workers take pay cuts,and when it goes under,get a big going away pay check.this is no longer`s richalism.a new reverse communism.and they are willing to sacrifice the united states to get it.after all,they will get paid one way or the other.

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