Saturday, December 15, 2012

scenseless gun laws

 lets start with the best - ban all assault weapons.then,lets ban ammo clips that carry over 10 shots.lets do a mental background check.i am not saying ban all guns.that will never happen in the united states.lets make good gun laws and do it one needs a .50 caliber semi-automatic one needs a riffle with a ammo clip of 20 or,in extreme cases 100 rounds.and all persons wanting a gun should complete a mental evaluation.and should take 10 hrs of gun training.and lets make it where someone is suspected of having a mental problem be checked,and if they refuse,seize their guns.there are some who say we need more weapons.i say that is pure madness.this guy had a vest.all that would have happened is he would have killed them,took there weapon,and had another gun and more ammo.there have been too many mass shootings in the united many more will die in senseless violence before the nra gets that it is not a good thing to have more weapons?they make big bucks off the blood in the streets.they are a biased party.there voice needs to be took with a grain of salt.we the people need our voice heard in Washington.this is what happens when corporations have bigger voices than the citizens.the blood is on there hands,they need to take meaningful action,this includes you Mr.President.

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