Monday, December 3, 2012

domestic violence

 Domestic violence cost all of us.there is the children,who are always suffering.and they need and should get some sort of treatment to help them realize it is not there fraught.then there are the spouses.women are more likely then men to be abused,and are more likely to be killed.i can tell you,because of my brother,that the abuse can have lifelong affects,which may lead to your brother,was vicious to my sister-in -law.he beat her,treated her worse than a dog.when i stood up,he simply did not allow me near,nor did he come around.but,whats worse is the way he did his children.he beat them like you would a drunk.and now,20 odd years later,i and my mom,are left to clean up his mess with his children.all have depression.but,now,there mother has died.and a part of me with her,for i never saw such a sad and horrible tale.she was abused as a child,so she ended up with an abusive husband,he abused their only hope is that i may have,some influence to where their kids will not do the same.
 Men,if you can not be with a woman without hitting her,leave.and be a man and support your kids,no matter what you feel towards your wife,the children are innocent and are a part of you.Women,if he beats you,abuses you,get out,not tomorrow, will not get better,the more you allow it,the worse they get.and,please do it before something bad happens to you,him,or to your kids.a man that beats his wife is not a man,he is a boy who cannot control his temper.and you cannot change behavior.this week,we saw the tragic end to a cycle of domestic,that 3 month old has been robbed of everything.i do not feel for the man,i feel for the family.and most for the baby.women,look ,see,this could have been you.

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