Monday, December 31, 2012

The rise of the billionare socialist party

 we all know about the talks in Washington.but,do you know why the U.S. has been held hostage for the last 2 years?it can directly be traced back to the so called grass roots party known as the tea party.there is one problem with that is driven totally by billionaires.and they have a turn back all environmental laws,all labor laws back to the 1800`s.don`t believe it?look around.the so called right to work law is nothing more than the government trying to destroy the one thing that made America great labor unions.if it had not been for unions,America would still have a army that answers to billionaires who shoot people opposing there deadly ideas of work till you die.and Americans would probably be making less than $5 a day.our grand parents fought for us to have a better life.and yet,we are allowing the oil,auto,energy barons again take it from us.and they are not stopping there.the tea party,or as i call it the billionaire socialist party has there own socialist premier Grover norquist.whom they have sworn to obey.this means that for 2 years now,we have been held hostage.we have had our national credit rating down graded.and they still keep dragging America down to protect billionaires from paying a 3% increase in taxes.yet,at the same time,they want the rest of us to pay as much as a 50 % raise in our taxes.the obamacare plan,which they point to as communist,would put America in the same class as every other industrialized nation.and would level the playing field.but,instead,of telling the truth ,that in the near future  no Americans could afford health care except for the rich, they say it is Communist.there premier Grover norquist  if he wins by holding us hostage,look out,America is doomed.

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