people have this idea that they have an absolute right to have whatever gun they want.but,i do not believe that would be the way our forefathers would see has become a tragic,twisted view,perpetuated by the NRA,and gun makers.but,i believe that ownership of a gun is the same as ownership of a is a privilege ,not an absolute right. just like with a car you should have a license,and insurance.and if you are deemed unsafe,you should be barred from owning it.and just like cars,some weapons should be barre
and what i find truly astonishing is the NRA,who pretends to be for civil liberties,is in reality ,calling for a police state .in which armed guards are everywhere.schools,churches,hospitals.this,as with anything else,etc..patriot act,will give way slowly to something worse.the rise of a political police state.and i fear that after this rises and we elect a republican president,he will be turned into a king.
there are dangers in both banning all guns,and having to many is foolish to say guns do not kill people.that is what they were invented to do.we need to look and say there is a middle ground.and that is a ban on assault hunter i know uses them.and most will tell you like me,they really have no place in civilian hands.but,these brain washed NRA zombies are pushing that this is an attempt to ban all is not.and i would never support it.we have a strong history of protection of gun rights.and Regan,Clinton both had assault weapon is only bush who allowed the ban to expire.the idea was a republican idea.i do not want a police state.nor do i want guns in our schools.nor should the NRA use fear and hate to get what they want.this country needs to face its fears and make logical laws.
another twisted view is the second amendment was made to protect individual rights from the government.this,is false.when they created it.our country had no standing army.the idea was,that in a time of crises ,when another country invaded,these farmers,etc..would form a militia that would defend our we have a large powerful military.we no longer have a draft.we no longer rely on our civilians to be our,in fact in historical terms,the second amendment is obsolete.
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