Sunday, December 16, 2012

the new american gun logic

 So it has come to this,let`s ignore the fact that this year has seen more die in mass is what the NRA wants you to believe,if there were more people armed there would not be as many is a new play on the guns don`t kill people logic.lets arm more a twist on the Connecticut shooting,all teachers should be armed.why stop there?why not say that all children who go to school must carry at least three forms of weapons?like an assault weapon,shotgun or two semi automatic pistols?that would cut down on school violence.never mind that everyone was a armed in the old west and that never worked.i can not understand how anyone can hear that 6 or 7 year old got shot multiple times and say we need to loosen gun laws and make everyone armed.i still am trying to figure out what people are so damn afraid of that they need assault weapons with 30 to 100 round this what this nation has become?a nation of my gun is bigger than yours?have we become a nation if your not armed then it is your fault you got shot?because that is what the if a person who was armed had been there sounds like to keep your NRA blood money propaganda to yourself.

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