The nra is finally responding to all the calls for talk about some form of gun control.its response...its followers start a petition to have a senator who called for a assault weapons ban to be tried for treason.yes,you heard me did she commit treason?i want all of the nra nuts who might read this to remember how the 2 amendment is worded.....A WELL REGULATED MILITIA,BEING NECESSARY TO THE SECURITY OF A FREE STATE,THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS,SHALL NOT BE AFRINGED.....
even when i was a kid,i looked at this as saying the right of the militias to have weapons shall not be i still look at it as saying the militia.what a lot of people forget that john Hancock wanted this to be reviewed every two years....why? because they were talking about a voluntary militia.not 320 million armed Americans,some who only want weapons to saw down kids.the nra frames this in a way to look like our forefathers knew one day there would be shooting deaths on the scale it is today and they would approve.but i seriously doubt they would.if they did see it being used as an excuse for the whole sale killing of innocent Americans,they probably would got rid of it. yes,they knew a lot of Americans made their living by hunting.but,i do not know anyone who uses a assault weapon to hunt.
T his is why our leaders fail to do anything.when they try something that will make America better,the nut jobs come crawling out.and the special interest starts mud slinging. and until we get a congress that is willing to stand up to the nra and other special interest,we will continue our downward slide.and until we stand up to the nra ,there will be more mass shootings,and as bad as i want to believe it will not happen again,more school shootings.
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