According to data now being shown by Virgina,during the total ban on assault weapons and high capacity magazines....the police saw a drop in these type of weapons in the hands of lawbreakers.and they saw a drop in these type weapons seized during police investigations.the NRA claims these laws have no effect,but they do.
S o why keep on saying these laws have no effect on lawbreakers?the reason republicans said the u.n. was going to invade,the reason many pro gun people use.fear.if they can keep the public scared and fearful they know nothing will be done.this is why the NRA keep guns .while NO ONE HAS SAID WE WANT A TOTAL BAN ON GUNS,they have brain washed Americans that this is an attack on all is not,THERE WAS A NATION WIDE BAN ON THESE TYPE WEAPONS PUT IN PLACE DURING THE 90`S,IT WAS ALLOWED TO EXPIRE BY THE GOP.during bushes term.and immediately after it expired,these guns quadrupled.and have continued .and now after the worst year for mass shootings,the nra wants us to forget all that and think it is a all out assault on the second amendment.that way,only the extremist get to set the tone of talks.but the truth is most American fell that military assault weapons have no place in civilian hands.what is worse,today the nra used the same scare tactic by saying it was an attack on the second amendment,school children were again being shot must wonder how many innocent children must die before we use our brain.
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