Here in the U.S Reagan is almost a god like feature.ask why,and most will say he brought down the U.S.S.R,and brought down the wall in Berlin.that he was hard on crime,and made America strong again.
Seldom are thing so true.president Regan came so close to achieving real immortality ,but was so foolish.he and soviet leader Gorbachev,came within a breath of ending the nuclear arms race.but,to his foolishness,Regan buckled.he had nothing to do with the fall of the soviet union .they fell apart because their military consumed 30% of their GDP.and Gorbachev faced reality.that it was costing to much to occupy other nations.Regan,however balked because of a still make believe idea called star wars.but this was not his worst mistake.he had left a bloody trail through central America.and when congress stop his funding of these bloody wars,he side stepped them.the Iran contra deal showed how corrupt he really was.he had committed high treason,lied to congress,and brought shame to the white house.any other president at any other time,would have and should have been impeached.but,so was that time that he did all that and was allowed to stay.he took America from the biggest creditor nation to being the biggest debtor nation.he did everything as though he was playing a role on t.v.and this country suffered.because Hollywood cannot grasp what being president is like,he was unprepared for this role.he did bring the feeling back that America was a force of good.but his presidency ended in shame,corruption,and out right treason.for all the good he projected.he was a terrible,incompetent president.
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