Thursday, January 31, 2013
survivalist-dangerous cowards among us.
this week,a survivalist in Alabama took a 5 year old hostage in his bunker.the man has a long history of menacing his neighbors .and he has a history of animal cruelty.but .he is not alone.there are millions around just like him.they are paranoid,scared,and view these bunkers,and bug out bags as proof they are superior.but the truth is,if any of the so called end of the world scenarios happened,they would not have enough ammo,weapons.and they defiantly would not have enough food.think on it,all food would be poisoned.all the water,the air.and they believe they would be able to hold max.the could hold out for a month.but,that would not be long is stupid.but,this new cult is bad because it promotes the idea that they are better than anyone else.and that the rest of humanity is a threat.if you watch the show preepers,you will see i am telling the truth.its all about a three day supply,all the weapons you can get,and if you can kill people.this new cult of the gun extends beyond just prepers.the nra says it does not want extensive background checks for gun owners.well,why not?i have seen post were people want welfare recipients to take a drug test.what is the difference?if there rights can be affringed upon why not some gun nut who believe`s his god the ak-47 will protect and nourish him?they don`t care about how many kids get killed.they don`t care.its not will not happen because there god dun will not let it happen to them.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
shutting the doors of captialism.
i am ashamed of our so called christian nation.we think we live in a captialist society.we believe we live in a fair society.but the truth is far from it.we now have in place,largely thanks to republicans,laws that punish the poor just for being every turn education,help for poor families,labour laws,we punish them.we allow big companies to use people as nothing more than salves.we allow big buisness to rob their workers pensions,this is a key mitt romney trait called vulture capitalism.we now are punishing poor kids by taking funding from their schools.we call it the no child left behhind laws,but the truth is it leaves more and more children behind.our fore fathers would be appauled.they would have shouted from every corner this is not america.but,it is.companies use vvauge laws to shut down any up start company that may challenge them.and if it makes it to the supremecourt,well,a couple of trips and cruises can buy off the judges leagally.
and by far is what has been happening lately.the re drawing of political districts to make it where one party is more likely to be voted in.this is now at means people that get elected do not in any way represent the people in their districts.our democracy is under attack.but not from the people you hear the biggest yells from ,but the tea party and the GOP.and soon,when they get another president ,he will become emperor.
at every time they can they have passed laws to keep the poor poor.and have weakened our nation.we now have made it where millions can no longer get a good education,so now we have a shortage of qualified workers.we no longer have an apprenticeship program,and we should.we need programs to help adults get job skills needed .but the funding is lacking.we are bringing ourselves down.
and by far is what has been happening lately.the re drawing of political districts to make it where one party is more likely to be voted in.this is now at means people that get elected do not in any way represent the people in their districts.our democracy is under attack.but not from the people you hear the biggest yells from ,but the tea party and the GOP.and soon,when they get another president ,he will become emperor.
at every time they can they have passed laws to keep the poor poor.and have weakened our nation.we now have made it where millions can no longer get a good education,so now we have a shortage of qualified workers.we no longer have an apprenticeship program,and we should.we need programs to help adults get job skills needed .but the funding is lacking.we are bringing ourselves down.
Friday, January 18, 2013
Lance Armstrong
How could anyone really think lance Armstrong is anything but a liar?he lied all through his career .we know he doped.he doped most of his career.he destroyed a lot of people life`s who spoke out against him and his doping.he does not deserve any sympathy,he should be prosecuted,sued.and not allowed back in the world of cycling.he thinks he can slander people,then when he is caught,half ass apologize and he will be,that is not how it works,he ruined cycling,he ruined the image of it,now most people think all of them dope.what is sick that instead of coming clean by going to the authorities,he goes on what else , did we not see that?and of course he still thinks he is the champion.but he is nothing more than a 11 loser.
Monday, January 14, 2013
What is great about amercia.
America has lost its way on so many things.we need to be reminded of what good we do. we are always been the most generous when disaster strikes.we always have given.and we all hate to see children harmed.we make it a point to be there when such disasters as the tsunami that hit the Indian ocean,Africa,the great quake in japan.and this has to be what we build on,not guns,missiles.we must be seen as a caring nation.but i feel this is being overshadowed by the view we are a warlord society.we must be a republic of and for humanity.and as long we do this,we shall always be the greatest.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
The data the nra does not wantyou to know.during the last assault weapon ban
According to data now being shown by Virgina,during the total ban on assault weapons and high capacity magazines....the police saw a drop in these type of weapons in the hands of lawbreakers.and they saw a drop in these type weapons seized during police investigations.the NRA claims these laws have no effect,but they do.
S o why keep on saying these laws have no effect on lawbreakers?the reason republicans said the u.n. was going to invade,the reason many pro gun people use.fear.if they can keep the public scared and fearful they know nothing will be done.this is why the NRA keep guns .while NO ONE HAS SAID WE WANT A TOTAL BAN ON GUNS,they have brain washed Americans that this is an attack on all is not,THERE WAS A NATION WIDE BAN ON THESE TYPE WEAPONS PUT IN PLACE DURING THE 90`S,IT WAS ALLOWED TO EXPIRE BY THE GOP.during bushes term.and immediately after it expired,these guns quadrupled.and have continued .and now after the worst year for mass shootings,the nra wants us to forget all that and think it is a all out assault on the second amendment.that way,only the extremist get to set the tone of talks.but the truth is most American fell that military assault weapons have no place in civilian hands.what is worse,today the nra used the same scare tactic by saying it was an attack on the second amendment,school children were again being shot must wonder how many innocent children must die before we use our brain.
S o why keep on saying these laws have no effect on lawbreakers?the reason republicans said the u.n. was going to invade,the reason many pro gun people use.fear.if they can keep the public scared and fearful they know nothing will be done.this is why the NRA keep guns .while NO ONE HAS SAID WE WANT A TOTAL BAN ON GUNS,they have brain washed Americans that this is an attack on all is not,THERE WAS A NATION WIDE BAN ON THESE TYPE WEAPONS PUT IN PLACE DURING THE 90`S,IT WAS ALLOWED TO EXPIRE BY THE GOP.during bushes term.and immediately after it expired,these guns quadrupled.and have continued .and now after the worst year for mass shootings,the nra wants us to forget all that and think it is a all out assault on the second amendment.that way,only the extremist get to set the tone of talks.but the truth is most American fell that military assault weapons have no place in civilian hands.what is worse,today the nra used the same scare tactic by saying it was an attack on the second amendment,school children were again being shot must wonder how many innocent children must die before we use our brain.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
The special nra and its chockehold on congress.
The nra is finally responding to all the calls for talk about some form of gun control.its response...its followers start a petition to have a senator who called for a assault weapons ban to be tried for treason.yes,you heard me did she commit treason?i want all of the nra nuts who might read this to remember how the 2 amendment is worded.....A WELL REGULATED MILITIA,BEING NECESSARY TO THE SECURITY OF A FREE STATE,THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS,SHALL NOT BE AFRINGED.....
even when i was a kid,i looked at this as saying the right of the militias to have weapons shall not be i still look at it as saying the militia.what a lot of people forget that john Hancock wanted this to be reviewed every two years....why? because they were talking about a voluntary militia.not 320 million armed Americans,some who only want weapons to saw down kids.the nra frames this in a way to look like our forefathers knew one day there would be shooting deaths on the scale it is today and they would approve.but i seriously doubt they would.if they did see it being used as an excuse for the whole sale killing of innocent Americans,they probably would got rid of it. yes,they knew a lot of Americans made their living by hunting.but,i do not know anyone who uses a assault weapon to hunt.
T his is why our leaders fail to do anything.when they try something that will make America better,the nut jobs come crawling out.and the special interest starts mud slinging. and until we get a congress that is willing to stand up to the nra and other special interest,we will continue our downward slide.and until we stand up to the nra ,there will be more mass shootings,and as bad as i want to believe it will not happen again,more school shootings.
even when i was a kid,i looked at this as saying the right of the militias to have weapons shall not be i still look at it as saying the militia.what a lot of people forget that john Hancock wanted this to be reviewed every two years....why? because they were talking about a voluntary militia.not 320 million armed Americans,some who only want weapons to saw down kids.the nra frames this in a way to look like our forefathers knew one day there would be shooting deaths on the scale it is today and they would approve.but i seriously doubt they would.if they did see it being used as an excuse for the whole sale killing of innocent Americans,they probably would got rid of it. yes,they knew a lot of Americans made their living by hunting.but,i do not know anyone who uses a assault weapon to hunt.
T his is why our leaders fail to do anything.when they try something that will make America better,the nut jobs come crawling out.and the special interest starts mud slinging. and until we get a congress that is willing to stand up to the nra and other special interest,we will continue our downward slide.and until we stand up to the nra ,there will be more mass shootings,and as bad as i want to believe it will not happen again,more school shootings.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
The gunlobby and piers morgan
The gun lobby has pulled out all the stops to try to silence piers Morgan.why?he spoke a simple 2012 we had more mass shootings than ever before.we had more killed than ever before.the weapon of choice,assault asking what does the average civilian need with an assault weapon he stood up against the biggest special of special intrest.they first,attacked him for being british.then,came name calling.then when that did not shut him up.they tried scarring him,when that did not work,they tried getting him deported.and if this works,every american should be will mean that anyone who speaks out about any social problem will be silenced.
so,they attack the freedom of the press,and freedom of speech.all over someone saying there has been enough bloodshed.NOBODY HAS SAID LETS DO AWAY WITH THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS.and no one will.but what is being said is lets get rid of weapons that are nothing more than guns made especially for mass killers.keep you pistols,keep your hunting guns.QUIT LETTING NUT JOBS FRAME THE CONVERSATION.IF YOU DO AND MORE PEOPLE ARE KILLED OVER AND OVER THEY WILL DEMAND AN END TO THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS.the fact is no one i know hunts with an assault rifle.and if you know someone who does,they do not need a gun.
A nd yes there is a difference between piers Morgan and rush limbaugh.i have never seen piers Morgan call a woman a call for his followers to rise up and overthrow the government.nor,has he used racial slurs.nor does he feed into right wing conspiracy theories that are meant to scare the yes all you right wing nuts ,that is the difference.we talk,you spread fear .like the one you are spreading now that someone is tying to take all guns away from people.
so,they attack the freedom of the press,and freedom of speech.all over someone saying there has been enough bloodshed.NOBODY HAS SAID LETS DO AWAY WITH THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS.and no one will.but what is being said is lets get rid of weapons that are nothing more than guns made especially for mass killers.keep you pistols,keep your hunting guns.QUIT LETTING NUT JOBS FRAME THE CONVERSATION.IF YOU DO AND MORE PEOPLE ARE KILLED OVER AND OVER THEY WILL DEMAND AN END TO THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS.the fact is no one i know hunts with an assault rifle.and if you know someone who does,they do not need a gun.
A nd yes there is a difference between piers Morgan and rush limbaugh.i have never seen piers Morgan call a woman a call for his followers to rise up and overthrow the government.nor,has he used racial slurs.nor does he feed into right wing conspiracy theories that are meant to scare the yes all you right wing nuts ,that is the difference.we talk,you spread fear .like the one you are spreading now that someone is tying to take all guns away from people.
Monday, January 7, 2013
regan-the truth behind the myth.
Here in the U.S Reagan is almost a god like feature.ask why,and most will say he brought down the U.S.S.R,and brought down the wall in Berlin.that he was hard on crime,and made America strong again.
Seldom are thing so true.president Regan came so close to achieving real immortality ,but was so foolish.he and soviet leader Gorbachev,came within a breath of ending the nuclear arms race.but,to his foolishness,Regan buckled.he had nothing to do with the fall of the soviet union .they fell apart because their military consumed 30% of their GDP.and Gorbachev faced reality.that it was costing to much to occupy other nations.Regan,however balked because of a still make believe idea called star wars.but this was not his worst mistake.he had left a bloody trail through central America.and when congress stop his funding of these bloody wars,he side stepped them.the Iran contra deal showed how corrupt he really was.he had committed high treason,lied to congress,and brought shame to the white house.any other president at any other time,would have and should have been impeached.but,so was that time that he did all that and was allowed to stay.he took America from the biggest creditor nation to being the biggest debtor nation.he did everything as though he was playing a role on t.v.and this country suffered.because Hollywood cannot grasp what being president is like,he was unprepared for this role.he did bring the feeling back that America was a force of good.but his presidency ended in shame,corruption,and out right treason.for all the good he projected.he was a terrible,incompetent president.
Seldom are thing so true.president Regan came so close to achieving real immortality ,but was so foolish.he and soviet leader Gorbachev,came within a breath of ending the nuclear arms race.but,to his foolishness,Regan buckled.he had nothing to do with the fall of the soviet union .they fell apart because their military consumed 30% of their GDP.and Gorbachev faced reality.that it was costing to much to occupy other nations.Regan,however balked because of a still make believe idea called star wars.but this was not his worst mistake.he had left a bloody trail through central America.and when congress stop his funding of these bloody wars,he side stepped them.the Iran contra deal showed how corrupt he really was.he had committed high treason,lied to congress,and brought shame to the white house.any other president at any other time,would have and should have been impeached.but,so was that time that he did all that and was allowed to stay.he took America from the biggest creditor nation to being the biggest debtor nation.he did everything as though he was playing a role on t.v.and this country suffered.because Hollywood cannot grasp what being president is like,he was unprepared for this role.he did bring the feeling back that America was a force of good.but his presidency ended in shame,corruption,and out right treason.for all the good he projected.he was a terrible,incompetent president.
Saturday, January 5, 2013
why are we so violent?
It is the question on all minds.what has turned us into a mass shooting,violent culture?well,some say it is television,some say movies,and others say violent games.but,i for one say bull.i am 40 and i grew up watching westerns which depicted shootouts all the time.i watched movies such as Friday the thirteenth,Halloween.some of the most violent and bloody graphic movies.i do not have any violent intentions,i don`t fell like shooting people.i also have played violent games such as resident evil,ghost recon and,no it is not that.
So what do i think is going on?we have to look no further than the ideology we are putting in our kids are some examples,i hear people tell kids they are special.and they are until they are 16.then,they are like anyone else.they need to learn to get jobs,pay for their bills,and pay for things they want.after 16 if you think your special,you are delusional.we tell kids they are better than so-so down the street.they are kid is any better than anyone else.and no grown up is better than anyone else.all people have matter what.but the biggest mistake is that their rights are greater then everyone hear kids say it all the time,i have the right to do this ,say that.well,no you do not.if you threaten people,they should report you to the police.and no no teenager or adult has any right to lay their hands on anyone else.even if they say something you do not is called free you get pissed,get over it,everyone does.the thing we should be teaching is you have certain yourself and those around are responsible to help your are responsible to look out for your brothers and sisters.and parents are completely responsible to help and take care of small is not a never ending are responsible to your do not have the right to hurt another do not have the right to anyhting unless you paid for it.the world does not owe you anything.this is what we are not telling our kids.and they think because some tell their kids the world owes them,that they can do anything.just my thoughts.
So what do i think is going on?we have to look no further than the ideology we are putting in our kids are some examples,i hear people tell kids they are special.and they are until they are 16.then,they are like anyone else.they need to learn to get jobs,pay for their bills,and pay for things they want.after 16 if you think your special,you are delusional.we tell kids they are better than so-so down the street.they are kid is any better than anyone else.and no grown up is better than anyone else.all people have matter what.but the biggest mistake is that their rights are greater then everyone hear kids say it all the time,i have the right to do this ,say that.well,no you do not.if you threaten people,they should report you to the police.and no no teenager or adult has any right to lay their hands on anyone else.even if they say something you do not is called free you get pissed,get over it,everyone does.the thing we should be teaching is you have certain yourself and those around are responsible to help your are responsible to look out for your brothers and sisters.and parents are completely responsible to help and take care of small is not a never ending are responsible to your do not have the right to hurt another do not have the right to anyhting unless you paid for it.the world does not owe you anything.this is what we are not telling our kids.and they think because some tell their kids the world owes them,that they can do anything.just my thoughts.
Thursday, January 3, 2013
really penn state thinks they are victims.
think on this.Jerry sandusky because of penn states negligence was allowed to molest kids.they knew it.they covered it up.if i had been president of the ncaa,i would have gave them the death penalty.but,he did would think with the mountain of evidence the penn state people would try to have some class.but did they?oh,hell no.they held vigils for Joe paterno who knew what sandusky had done.who hid this from law officers.who failed to protect these,they held candlelight vigils for him.then,they rioted because his statue was,some are suing trying to bring it back.if i was in the school and they did bring it back,i would transfer.but here is the kicker.they have never accepted that their god Joe paterno and Jerry sandusky were monsters.they believe that they are the victims.and they went as far as to bully one of his,since they think they are above civilized world,i would if i could give them the sports death penalty.until the year 2026.then,they would have something to cry about.
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