Sunday, January 27, 2013

shutting the doors of captialism.

 i am ashamed of our so called christian nation.we think we live in a captialist society.we believe we live in a fair society.but the truth is far from it.we now have in place,largely thanks to republicans,laws that punish the poor just for being every turn education,help for poor families,labour laws,we punish them.we allow big companies to use people as nothing more than salves.we allow big buisness to rob their workers pensions,this is a key mitt romney trait called vulture capitalism.we now are punishing poor kids by taking funding from their schools.we call it the no child left behhind laws,but the truth is it leaves more and more children behind.our fore fathers would be appauled.they would have shouted from every corner this is not america.but,it is.companies use vvauge laws to shut down any up start company that may challenge them.and if it makes it to the supremecourt,well,a couple of trips and cruises can buy off the judges leagally.
  and by far is what has been happening lately.the re drawing of political districts to make it where one party is more likely to be voted in.this is now at means people that get elected do not in any way represent the people in their districts.our democracy is under attack.but not from the people you hear the biggest yells from ,but the tea party and the GOP.and soon,when they get another president ,he will become emperor.
   at every time they can they have passed laws to keep the poor poor.and have weakened our nation.we now have made it where millions can no longer get a good education,so now we have a shortage of qualified workers.we no longer have an apprenticeship program,and we should.we need programs to help adults get job skills needed .but the funding is lacking.we are bringing ourselves down.

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