Monday, December 31, 2012

The rise of the billionare socialist party

 we all know about the talks in Washington.but,do you know why the U.S. has been held hostage for the last 2 years?it can directly be traced back to the so called grass roots party known as the tea party.there is one problem with that is driven totally by billionaires.and they have a turn back all environmental laws,all labor laws back to the 1800`s.don`t believe it?look around.the so called right to work law is nothing more than the government trying to destroy the one thing that made America great labor unions.if it had not been for unions,America would still have a army that answers to billionaires who shoot people opposing there deadly ideas of work till you die.and Americans would probably be making less than $5 a day.our grand parents fought for us to have a better life.and yet,we are allowing the oil,auto,energy barons again take it from us.and they are not stopping there.the tea party,or as i call it the billionaire socialist party has there own socialist premier Grover norquist.whom they have sworn to obey.this means that for 2 years now,we have been held hostage.we have had our national credit rating down graded.and they still keep dragging America down to protect billionaires from paying a 3% increase in taxes.yet,at the same time,they want the rest of us to pay as much as a 50 % raise in our taxes.the obamacare plan,which they point to as communist,would put America in the same class as every other industrialized nation.and would level the playing field.but,instead,of telling the truth ,that in the near future  no Americans could afford health care except for the rich, they say it is Communist.there premier Grover norquist  if he wins by holding us hostage,look out,America is doomed.

Friday, December 28, 2012

GOP house is destroying america.

   The gop led house is deliberately destroying America.they are doing this to protect their large billionaire donors.but in doing so,they have ruined this countries credit rating,and its ability to govern.but it is the tea party,and its spineless gop conspirators,who are doing in everything America stands for.the right to work movement,or so its called.will end up with employees getting paid less,and unsafe working conditions.when Romney ran i said the gop platform was to send American laws back to the 1800`s.well,he lost.but the republican governors are still pushing radical laws such as the right to work,stand your ground,and the stupid idea that more guns will make America safer.there are already so many guns that since the newtown massacre there have been six mass shootings in this country.the poor especially are being punished.and this,as a christian is morally can these idiots defend  lower taxes for billionaires while so many in America can barely make it from paycheck to paycheck?and the idea that these rich billionaires re invest  in America is the biggest lie,we have had huge tax breaks in effect now for 16 years.and our economy has crashed.the gop wants less regulation.but that too is what caused the economy to crash.they are against obamacare,but at the rate thing s are going most American will never be able to pay for any hospital or go ahead.protect the billionaires.but,what good will it do when we are a third world country?

Monday, December 24, 2012

twisted view of gun rights.

 people have this idea that they have an absolute right to have whatever gun they want.but,i do not believe that would be the way our forefathers would see has become a tragic,twisted view,perpetuated by the NRA,and gun makers.but,i believe that ownership of a gun is the same as ownership of a is a privilege ,not an absolute right. just like with a car you should have a license,and insurance.and if you are deemed unsafe,you should be barred from owning it.and just like cars,some weapons should be barre
  and what i find truly astonishing is the NRA,who pretends to be for civil liberties,is in reality ,calling for a police state .in which armed guards are everywhere.schools,churches,hospitals.this,as with anything else,etc..patriot act,will give way slowly to something worse.the rise of a political police state.and i fear that after this rises and we elect a republican president,he will be turned into a king.
 there are dangers in both banning all guns,and having to many is foolish to say guns do not kill people.that is what they were invented to do.we need to look and say there is a middle ground.and that is a ban on assault hunter i know uses them.and most will tell you like me,they really have no place in civilian hands.but,these brain washed NRA zombies are pushing that this is an attempt to ban all is not.and i would never support it.we have a strong history of protection of gun rights.and Regan,Clinton both had assault weapon is only bush who allowed the ban to expire.the idea was a republican idea.i do not want a police state.nor do i want guns in our schools.nor should the NRA use fear and hate to get what they want.this country needs to face its fears and make logical laws.
  another twisted view is the second amendment was made to protect individual rights from the government.this,is false.when they created it.our country had no standing army.the idea was,that in a time of crises ,when another country invaded,these farmers,etc..would form a militia that would defend our we have a large powerful military.we no longer have a draft.we no longer rely on our civilians to be our,in fact in historical terms,the second amendment  is obsolete.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

America paradice lost

 I was born on a Sunday in parents took me to church and Sunday school .my parents taught me that gods golden rule was to show the mid to late 70`s  we moved into a house next to a two story mansion which had been turned into meridian,ms at that time,i remember a lot of people looking for jobs and being father who worked at a local steel factory,was lucky,and although we were not rich,we were better off than most.the people in the two story house next door were poor.and a lot of them could not get money for rent.if it had not been for old lady griffin,most of them would have been mom would buy extra food.and make a special meal.this meal was for our neighbors who did not have any way to get help.i remember several kids my age ,who`s parents were desperately mom would buy clothes for them.she would cook meals for them and their parents.some,she would take to the mom babysat a lot of kids.she would tell me,"if you believe in god,it is your job to help those less fortunate,the widows and orphans"and so she did.this went on for a long time.
  then,in the early 80`s my father was hurt in a accident at his job.he was nearly killed.the company basically starved us into settling with them.but ,in that 4 years,we had to go through dumpsters behind Winn Dixie, Kroger to exist.i was bullied relentlessly in school.and as any kid in that shape,i was skinny.then,in 1984 at the age of 12,i was nearly killed in what you would say is a freakish accident.with no money,the emergency room doctors just stitched me up,and sent me home.only later to find out that in my accident,i broke several vertebrae in my neck.we had become desperately poor.but,unlike those we helped,no one helped father tried to work,but after the accident he could mom would try,and the a holes would not pay her what they should.when my father was finally approved,i was 14.
 one could look at this story and say i should be angry,jaded.but i still do what i can.even though the accident i had left me with problems with my entire spine.i have had three surgeries.and still,it is getting worse.but,i still help those whom are less fortunate.and i still believe.i have not lost faith in god,but my faith in humanity has been shaken.and my view of how great things are has been questioned.
 how can people be so dumb as to think at any moment an accident will not leave them in the same position as my family?then there are those who think my father was lazy.he worked for 25 years,walked 8 miles to his job.this i know.he did more than many men in that mom moved us to a farm where we worked.we have always been happy to work.but,now my parents can not.and people treat them when i stand before saint Micheal,i will have a story to tell.and he will have final say.i am glad of my path,i have learned so much.thank you,god for my parents,and the lesson you taught me.

Friday, December 21, 2012

ok,here is my apocyliptic prediction.

 mine is more it is .there a three rift valleys in the world.this is where major continents are being torn into.any one of these would reshape the ,here we go.
  on a day much like any other ,mankind will experience a shock,this shock will come from his ancient will be all at once rumbling,fire and electric.the wares of two great seas will flood into the newly formed crater.this crater will spew toxic it does,the skies of the world will grow dark.this will kill off animal plants and humans.the point of where the seas merge will give way to a enormous tsunami.this will hit great cities of Rome ,telaviv,Athens, will shift the world.a new sea will emerge.the volcano erupt and for months,the land will be like this sea expands,more and more shock waves will come. will it ends.the world will have been forever changed.the ancient empires of Egypt,Ethiopia and Israel will be flooded.,when this flood pulls back a new Jerusalem will be built by Christians and Jews alike.
 now,this has not timeline,it will not have any warnings.and i do not claim to be a prophet or as entertainment.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

gun logic #2

 gun logic of if the teachers had been male or if they had been armed.the second of the two,that teachers be armed scares me.lets say there is a armed teacher,and a gunman opens fire.the teacher as in the long standing wild west logic,opens fire.he may kill the gunman.but between his bullets and the bullets of the gunman,there will probably e more dead than if the gunman alone was shooting.think on it,bullets travel,crowed ed classrooms.lets say he dosen`t kill him,now the gunman has a second weapon,and possible more bullets,he now can kill more people.lets take an even worse scenario,more than one teacher is armed,more bullets a even better chance for more deaths.her is the nightmare,lets say the gunman comes in,with a magazine of over50 shots.and he like some mass shooters,is wearing bullet proof vest.or worse,body armor.he starts shooting,the wild west teachers open fire,he will not get hurt,but now he kills them,their shots have gone through walls,hitting other kids.he also now has more weapons,and more ammo.result,more deaths.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

the gop needs to fade away.

 they are so about conspiracy theories .the new one i call #23 say Hilary Clinton did not hit her head,that it is a ploy to keep her from testifying about,and other political tv shows have gone to great lengths to fabricate this lie.remember #22 that CIA director patreus resigned to keep from testifying?well,he this.i could bring up the fact that everyone on the capitol hill new George bush sr was part of a conspiracy to sell weapons to Iran during Iran contra.but,i don`t care.they are two faced.they are protecting the millionaires and selling out the working people by going state by state with the right to work bill which is selling workers rights out.and they want workers to think they are protecting the middle class.when we become a third rate country it will be because of the tea party and the republicans spending freely to Halliburton,and other friends and not investing in schools and health care that would have leveled the playing field for America.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Ban assault weapons now.

 the second amendment does not say you have the right to have weapons of mass only says you have the right to own a weapon.the blood stained nra needs to face reality.the civilian population does not need assault weapons .nor do they need ammo clips that carry over 20 rounds.i have heard every excuse.that if someone had been there with a gun,this argument is foolish at best.then there is the guns don`t kill people.this excuse is assault weapon by its very design is meant to kill people ,at rapid pace.we need to take care of the mental ill.but that will not stop mass killings.and yes,people can kill without guns.but it is time we at least tried to lessen the effect of these guns.the second amendment was written when at best you could kill 5  in a minute,now you can kill 50 in less than a you really think they would allow this?the second amendment says a well funded militia.we have it ,it is called the u.s armed forces.AND THANK YOU WALL MART.FOR HAVING THE GUTS TO STAND UP TO THE BLOODY HANDS OF THE NRA AND NO LONGER SELLING ASSAULT WEAPONS.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

the new american gun logic

 So it has come to this,let`s ignore the fact that this year has seen more die in mass is what the NRA wants you to believe,if there were more people armed there would not be as many is a new play on the guns don`t kill people logic.lets arm more a twist on the Connecticut shooting,all teachers should be armed.why stop there?why not say that all children who go to school must carry at least three forms of weapons?like an assault weapon,shotgun or two semi automatic pistols?that would cut down on school violence.never mind that everyone was a armed in the old west and that never worked.i can not understand how anyone can hear that 6 or 7 year old got shot multiple times and say we need to loosen gun laws and make everyone armed.i still am trying to figure out what people are so damn afraid of that they need assault weapons with 30 to 100 round this what this nation has become?a nation of my gun is bigger than yours?have we become a nation if your not armed then it is your fault you got shot?because that is what the if a person who was armed had been there sounds like to keep your NRA blood money propaganda to yourself.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

scenseless gun laws

 lets start with the best - ban all assault weapons.then,lets ban ammo clips that carry over 10 shots.lets do a mental background check.i am not saying ban all guns.that will never happen in the united states.lets make good gun laws and do it one needs a .50 caliber semi-automatic one needs a riffle with a ammo clip of 20 or,in extreme cases 100 rounds.and all persons wanting a gun should complete a mental evaluation.and should take 10 hrs of gun training.and lets make it where someone is suspected of having a mental problem be checked,and if they refuse,seize their guns.there are some who say we need more weapons.i say that is pure madness.this guy had a vest.all that would have happened is he would have killed them,took there weapon,and had another gun and more ammo.there have been too many mass shootings in the united many more will die in senseless violence before the nra gets that it is not a good thing to have more weapons?they make big bucks off the blood in the streets.they are a biased party.there voice needs to be took with a grain of salt.we the people need our voice heard in Washington.this is what happens when corporations have bigger voices than the citizens.the blood is on there hands,they need to take meaningful action,this includes you Mr.President.

Friday, December 14, 2012

we need to stop our sick,violent culture.

 our culture is sick,twisted.people now justify violence .if i am angry i have the right to push you in front of a subway train or shoot you,or stab you.and we say,oh,well,and walk away.evil is alive and is proof.i do not know or care what the gunman though.there is never any justification.we need to stop bickering and being has become accepted behavior.but,it shows how sick we have become.what are we scared of?we as a country now have more weapons than the rest of the world,in fact we have 10times as many as the rest of the world.and yet the u.s is only 5% of the world`s population.we have become neurotic.and paranoid.we build safe houses and bunkers.we buy guns we do not need.who are we scared of?the government?please,they have no backbone.the UN?they are who?we are afraid of our own shadow.we now what we are thinking and we impose this on this shapeless menace .and we arm our self.for we do not know where this shadowy figure is hiding.we need to take a step back,take a deep breath and take a good long look in the mirror.we know something is wrong.and we should not be surprised when their is someone who cracks under the pressure of the shadow.we need to try to stop it.and confront our self.and let go of some of these weapons.this year we have had a year of incredible year of mass killings.and we need to face reality.and stand up and stop acting like brutes.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

why union`s are still needed

 If you know history ,then you know why union`s formed.during the late 1800`s the barons of oil,steel,banking..etc.had made the workplace unsafe.workers worked 16 hours a day 6 days a week.accidents climbed ,and you could easily have foreseen that with the work environment at the time,a few would be deadly.if that was not enough,the workers got paid next to,some grouped together and formed unions.but,the baron`s of the day would not allow this,they hired their own private armies to break them up,and they did not mind shooting unarmed civilians.when this happened,(by the way this happened as shown on the men who built America with carnage.)they govenerour called out the national guard.but,this happened several times.
 since then,most workers have better wages,and more free time.but,the barons are back.and they are getting revenge.they have complete control over the republican and tea baggers.they have pressed through laws that have essentially outlawed unions rights.and there dream is an America where you work 18 hrs a day for 6 days a week,where children work for nothing,and you get paid bare minimum.and,of course,the rich get laws protecting them from lawsuits,and being held responsible.and,they pay lower taxes then the barons who built America by blood of the workers.
 yes,there are cases where unions went to far.but if you really look into things like hostess,the unions took pay cuts,and other concessions,while management got greedy,and took more and more money .they are what destroyed the company.this business model was first used by bain capital,buy a company,throw it in deep debt,make workers take pay cuts,and when it goes under,get a big going away pay check.this is no longer`s richalism.a new reverse communism.and they are willing to sacrifice the united states to get it.after all,they will get paid one way or the other.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Bob costas,Gun culture

 Poor bob costas,he dared say the truth on prime time .we as a nation have gone gun crazy.there are kids carrying semi automatic weapons killing other kids,there are maniacs going to movies killing 100`s.but,hey it is not is the ole guns don`t kill people.that is about as stupid as you can get.yes,guns kill people.that is why there are semi automatic,and assault riffles.and why?why is it so dogmatic not to talk about some kind of gun control?no,a normal person has no need for a gun with a cartridge that carries 100 rounds.please,,if argue for this,i assume you are planning something.i am not nor should anyone argue for all guns to be taken.but,given there are more guns than people,lets at least stop making some kinds for the civilian is a good example.the .50 calibure handgun and average person does not need this.this is a weapon of mass destruction..all i am saying is there is good logic to have some kind of restrictions.
  then there is the Facebook argument,criminals do obey the law.true.but,if we outlaw certain things from being made,they will slowly fade out.and here is a big point,are we willing to wait to some Rambo a hole to get one of the really high cal.guns with a large amount of ammo kill over 200 before we decide?but who am i kidding,nothing will happen if that does happen.the NRA will say now is not the time to talk about it.
 and,here is the worst case scenario,a criminal with a high cal.weapon with over 300 rounds walks in somewhere and begins shooting,and some john Wayne wanna be returns fire,between the two you will have at least 100 dead.and wither not john Wayne wins,chances are ,one of his stray bullets will hit someone.

Monday, December 3, 2012

domestic violence

 Domestic violence cost all of us.there is the children,who are always suffering.and they need and should get some sort of treatment to help them realize it is not there fraught.then there are the spouses.women are more likely then men to be abused,and are more likely to be killed.i can tell you,because of my brother,that the abuse can have lifelong affects,which may lead to your brother,was vicious to my sister-in -law.he beat her,treated her worse than a dog.when i stood up,he simply did not allow me near,nor did he come around.but,whats worse is the way he did his children.he beat them like you would a drunk.and now,20 odd years later,i and my mom,are left to clean up his mess with his children.all have depression.but,now,there mother has died.and a part of me with her,for i never saw such a sad and horrible tale.she was abused as a child,so she ended up with an abusive husband,he abused their only hope is that i may have,some influence to where their kids will not do the same.
 Men,if you can not be with a woman without hitting her,leave.and be a man and support your kids,no matter what you feel towards your wife,the children are innocent and are a part of you.Women,if he beats you,abuses you,get out,not tomorrow, will not get better,the more you allow it,the worse they get.and,please do it before something bad happens to you,him,or to your kids.a man that beats his wife is not a man,he is a boy who cannot control his temper.and you cannot change behavior.this week,we saw the tragic end to a cycle of domestic,that 3 month old has been robbed of everything.i do not feel for the man,i feel for the family.and most for the baby.women,look ,see,this could have been you.

the fiscal cliff

 W e all have heard the news,we all know the drill.but,within this partisan  bickering,something else could come up.many have unknowingly posted this on there Facebook is an obscure article in the constitution that,during times of extreme distress on our nation,a president can use .this clause,for which many preachers have devoted sermons to,would give a siting president absolute power.with or with out congress.only  one president in the history of these united states has used it.Abraham Lincoln.but,recently,there was a president who,considered using it to suspend elections indefinably.i will not give his name.he used a poor idea to try to use it.he however ,was but this time,one of the most hated presidents in our history.and doing so would have sparked a civil,with this cliff however it could be used.but,should it?well,congress has been split since Obama was elected.even when he did what republicans wanted,they voted it essence,they are getting paid to sit and argue.most recently,senator john McCain,of which i have a lot of respect for,decided to sit and use the media to spin the gop agenda on Benghazi,but in doing so,missed the hearing on Benghazi.which goes directly to my point.the gop has been sitting around arguing for facts they themselves have not agreed with ,sat in front of the media ,and done nothing.all they are doing is getting paid to sit,they say they want to help this nation.but even when they get what they so furiously argued for,they vote against,it is my view,regrettably,that this clause may be the only way to advert a serious,and disastrous fall.of,course,the gop will argue that this was his plan.but,they also tried it.and they are the real reason we are,to the gop ,i at one time was a full backer,voted,i am ashamed of the party i once liked.either compromise and allow the richest to pay more,or allow the president to do what he must.but,do not keep pushing and daring the rest of the government to bow down to you like your kings.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Israel/palenstine and the truth

 Today is a historic day for Palestine,it officially got recognized as a state.but,it always has been.when the u.n mandated the creation of Israel,it also created Palestine.but,it was invaded by its Arab neighbors to be used as a base to attack the war that followed,Israel managed to beat the Arab nations back,and invaded Palestine,Gaza and the Golan heights.after,that war,Palestine became a base for terrorist,and plo was one.they highjacked planes and blew them up inside Jordanian territory.the Jordanian government responded by telling the plo to get out.the next day the plo(now with Russian tanks)moved on aman .the government wanted help.the U.S.pressured Israel to fly one bomber over the formation.they did,and the Russian backed plo got the message.through the following years the plo and Hamas carried out terrorist attacks.then,president began talks with the plo and Israel.the peace pact that jimmy carter had started was back on track.the U.S then pressured Israel to give the plo everything they wanted,dual capital of Jerusalem,and a free unoccupied Palestine.but,to the U.S and other nations surprise,the plo walked out.and so began the antifatah.suicide bombings,and terrorist campaigns.bill Clinton and the U.S with drew their pressure and Israel after many deadly attacks,retaliated.this went back and forth for years.then on September ,11,2001 the U.S. was attacked by osama ben laden.this was viewed by the u.s as a terrorist  attack and a war crime.but in Palestine,people rejoiced,and their was a air of celebration.this soured U.S and Palestine  relations for years.then Hamas took control of Gaza.this caused the U.S and Israel to call for a boycott of Gaza.after a while,Hamas began launching rockets into Israel.after several deaths,Israel re entered Gaza.a war broke out.but neither side accomplished anything.then,the Arab spring swept through the middle east.with it,Egypt became a Muslim brotherhood state.they are the same as earlier this year,Hamas began launching new longer range missiles into Israel.but,this time Israel had a secret weapon,the iron dome,according to sources this system shot down 90%of missiles fired at Israel.but still,this would not be tolerated by any idf began air strikes against the missiles.over 100 Palestinian died,9 Israelis.neither side got anything.but,Palestine won favor with Arab nations.then it made a bid for UN statehood.and today,it got it.but this leads to one question,what did that do?and,well this cause Hamas to provoke more attacks?the Palestinians are quick to point the finger at Israel and say they committed war crimes,but what about them?they deliberately fired missiles into populations,not military targets,and what`s worse,they used the Palestinian people as,if there is a war crime sought,they should be willing to give up the leaders that provoked Israel.after all,no nation,Egypt,the U.S.,Russia china Brittan would allow rockets to be fired at there cities without,there are my thoughts.yes,i think there should be a free Palestine.and Israel has an absolute right to exists.and the U.S and Europe do owe the nation of Israel.and we should stand beside them against those who want blood.

the dark phantoms of war.

 It is sad.most people of this world hate the idea of is without care, preys upon the weak.if we all had to see and experience what war does it would never happen is a dark,sinister first people applaud it,but as this clouds envelopes then,its true nature,there is never a victor in a war.sure,nations,governments can declare victory.but,the average person,it is savage.politicians and heads of state can hide themselves and family away so it does not touch them,but the average person can only stand and defend what is their`s.and when this cloud comes,the wise know,to hold one`s family tight,because the men who love war serve a sinister master who is bent on destruction,death and things most vile.we as a civilized world must find ways to end many have been sentenced to war death,how many more still fight even when the war is over?war is the enemy of all mankind.and yet as i am writing this,war sick cloud hangs in the air in many parts of the world.i know,i believe there are times when we should stand up ,even if it means war.good examples are the Nazi and what they did in world war 2.millions lost,and even worse ,the evil hatred that was behind our world is closer than ever to the abyss.and yet,in many countries,we applaud the idea.until it descends on us.then we weep.when it is to the time i get done with this,i am sure there are many mothers,fathers doing so.and lets honor them.for this is not their war,but the devils invention.and we now have given the devil his ultimate weapon.and with it,he will drag us all down.prey to your gods for peace,mercy.for the demon war knows neither.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

why nationalism is a threat world wide.

 We all know it the idea of an area becoming its own,independent nation.recently Scotland,my ancestral homeland,has begin moving toward in the u.s we see states trying to secede.this sounds like and ideal thing.everyone has a right to self government.but is it?
   lets look at history,when England and Scotland were separate nations,they fought constantly.when the confederacy declared independence,there was a,does that mean war?not really.but look at the world picture.imagine if you will,no u.s.a,no great Brittan,no France,Spain.what`s left?a very powerful,unchallenged Russia,china.these nations could easily destroy the mini-nations that are left.and the probability of feudal states rises would in essence,have to bow to Russia or china.and feudal scares the crap out of me.and who is to say the nations that emerge will be better?and some will end up being dictatorships
    Scotland deserves self government.but at the same time,this is not the 1200`s and this is not the 1800`s.the threat is bigger than our differences.we can not allow this to divide us,and leave the world open and vulnerable to a Adolf Hitler.

Friday, November 23, 2012

what america needs to do

 we need both gop and democrats to work together.but over the last 4 years ,the gop has practiced the idea of doing nothing and getting paid.they obstruct and try to make themselves look good for doing so.and after they lost,they started this stupid idea of is what i think.the gop needs to get over it,and show some leadership and class.but judging from bohner latest rant,they are don`t be shocked if we go over the fiscal cliff.but there is something else,something creeping,and evil.what is it?look around the world.china is trying to impose imperial status by redrawing borders in its favor.Egypt now has a modern day Pharaoh.Israel is under constant threat of attack.japan,s.Korea,Australia are being threatened by rouge nation of n.Korea.this new imperial communism has come about because we overstretched our military.and with the stupid secession idiots,we look weak.we should intermediately support Israel,japan.even if we have to deploy military assets.and show this imperial communism that it is not the 1400`s.we need NATO to take its mission serious.because Russia has also been re surging.we can not allow our military to be cut back.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

these things i must do

 i saw an injustice so i spoke up.because i spoke up,i became a target.i became a target,so they killed me.-we must always speak up against injustice no matter where we find it.because it could as easily be us.many of us think we are above injustice.but we are all pawns.there are passages in our holy books that describe great men who will speak of things and bring ruin with them.we are taught to listen ,and we will know who they are.good me speak of consonance.they speak of hope,love and understanding.those who want ruin speak of hatred,division lack of care for the smallest in our mist.we should stand against such vain,small minded men.for they will bring ruin.even now among my countrymen these men spred toxic hatred and anger.the hatred in their speech is disturbing as it is sicking.and yet,those who claim love for god readily accept this kind of talk.and when this talk does not persuade,they use fear.fear that the others will hurt them,do injustice.and while doing so,they themselves in the same breath,dehumanize those they are speaking to.i hope and pray for my country and its people to recognize whom this talk serves.for he has many faces,many names.and to that master,they will serve.we have conquered so much,and will continue to do so.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A real look at palestine and gaza

first,when bill Clinton was president of the united states ,he blackmailed Israel into giving Palestine everything they wanted.statehood,Jerusalem as their capital,everything.the then leader yaser Arafat said no.and then started the antifatah.since then,there has been NO ISRAELI TROOPS IN EITHER THE WEST BANK OR GAZA.but yet,all you here is that Palestinians having the right to attack Israel because they occupy Palestine.
   Israel and Palestine were created and became independent at the same time.the difference,Palestine was intermediately invaded by its Arab neighbors.why?where they could wage war on response Israel won ,and took the west bank,Gaza and the Golan heights.after Clinton made them leave,and Arafat died,the west bank continued to follow the PLO.and has done far better than Gaza.they have real elections,and are on the road to being a real nation.
 So what is holding them back?Gaza.Gaza is held by Hamas.and their sole reason for being is to destroy Israel.and are part of the Muslim brotherhood.and they do not care about the people of Gaza.they have launched rockets at sacred Muslim sites and at Jerusalem.if there is blood on any sides hands,it is on Hamas.they have broken every cease fire.and as long as they are in power.there will be blood on the streets of Gaza.
 So what of the future?until the Arab world get serious and says we would not allow rockets to hit our cities without striking back,and tells Hamas stop,or we will stop you.there will be no peace.Hamas does not want peace.and if it goes any further,let`s say Iran or Egypt attacks.then the u.s and the west should respond against then,and hit Gaza.
NO,that would not be the best option,but Hamas committing war crimes.they target populations,not military targets.any nation who says they ,if constantly attacked several times a day by rockets aimed at highly populated cities would not respond is lying.that includes Egypt,the u.s,Russia,china.and they should respect Israels right to defend it`s self.
but,what`s is worse is that because Israel has the iron dome,and there fore is shooting down rockets and not having as many killed,is being punished because it should in the Arab world view,allow it`s people to die.that is a stupid way to look.if these rockets hit isreal would have a larger death toll.if Hamas fires rockets at Israel,it should git Gaza.and Hamas should apologize to the people of the gaza strip.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

TO my fellow mississippians and countrymen

 i saw where Mississippi has a petition to secede from the union.i will state the following reasons why this is dumb,and why if by chance it happens,i will fight against the new confederacy.#1 Mississippi relies heavily on federal subsides for things like schools,hospitals,fire dep,police.and that would immediately end.a Mississippi or new confederacy dollar would rank world wide like a dollar from hati.we would all would be pulled out.and we would end up worse than any area of the world.#2 our state government cannot keep a balanced budget with federal help,so we would end up with no schools,except for the rich.#we have no military.and would be an easy target.#3 history-the confederacy was a dictatorship.and it would be again.only the rich went to school and the rich were the cops,judge jury and executioner.if that is the way you want it,remember this,there are folks like me,who will stand up and defend the greatest union in world history the u.s.a. those who sighed the petition are an embarrassment,and are traitors.

Monday, November 12, 2012

texas and louisiana want out of the u.s

 now one can play around and say it is for legitimate reasons,but here it is.#1 these are deep republican states.and i mean way deep.they do not want to teach science,and they refuse to accept reality.#2-the rich in these states carry heavy influence.and the state does what they want.#3-as for Texas,i have always though that this state was living in a daydream.they are more backwards than 90%of America.-so,they tried this once before.and it was known as the confederacy,its government answered to the super rich plantation owners.and it was a dictatorship.plantation owners had there own laws.the poor did not go to school.and never got in to a college.i believe this is what is happening in these states again.the wealthy in these states fell they are above everyone else.and if it happens.they will get beaten again.but it is also part racist.just like i hope people have better sense.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

so it is a fact gop will destroy america.

Say what you want.the ceos who said if Obama wins they will fire all their employes are doing thats how they want it to be.this is only part of the gop platform.first-oppress minority voters.second,if all else fails,drive the country into an economic depression and blame obama.third-get your big backers to fire employes or cut employee time and say it was because of obama.they will argue and say it is because of his policies,i say no.if you had not used that as political blackmail,i might have believed you.and to Americans i say boycott olive garden,and others who are doing this,lets show them that we are united,because this is not just democratic people who are fired,but gop.lets show these extremist a******* that this is not who we are,and that barons do not control who we vote for. they are crying conspiracy,i agree,it is,but it is a gop economic conspiracy.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

thank you gopers for clearing that up.about fox news

 there has been a lot of poking fun at fox and karl rove in the last few days ,and questioning is fox biased,and yes,of course they are.but what is funny is this simple message sent out-fox went to the supreme court and won a legal judgement-it said that fox news is intended to be like a tabloid news-part fiction and it has no obligation to be unbiased when it reports the news.-THIS IS NOT ME PUTTING THIS OUT,IT IS A GOP BACKERS WHO PUT IT ON CNN WEBSITE.and therefore,it is ok for them to make up stories,conspire and all that.which now makes the fact Canada refuses to let them have any fox news in,i am glad my gop friends help me clear that up

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

why romney /ryan republicans lost.

 Romney /Ryan republican ticket was supposed to what happened?first and the real story,the republicans have become a party of extremist.they  have alienated most of the country.they lost the female vote because of there views on rape and reproductive rights.second everyone remembers there leaders saying they would do anything to make sure Obama is a one term president.and they have,filibusterer mania swept republicans.but ,in doing so,they cost us the  credit rating and slowed recovery.and in the end it cost them votes.third-the tea party.the tea party will be viewed in history as the worst thing to ever hit America.and in the end,they cost the republican party the presidency.and cost them the,now have they learned anything.i doubt it.they still are willing to filibuster even if it means driving america straight off a cliff.and they are still courting the tea party.if they do not get it,they will become a minority party.and maybe that is a good thing.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

say what

 i have heard some fantastic stories since this election cycle began .but recently i heard the mother of them all. that Obama has a secret army that he will deploy if he is elected.and they will ,in effect make him first it was funny,but think on it.this is what has ruined our country.scare tactics.they say exactly what they know certain sectors of the population needs to hear to make them vote a certain way.then ,it went on,that if he loses the black population is going to riot and kill people.once,again,sad  that this is being used.this,is why i hate politicians.forget the facts,this guy is going to do these horrible things.they said the same thing when Obama was elected.and it hasn`t happened for you gopers spreading this crap,please are embarrassing yourself.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

so nanny state huh?

 is`n t funny,when a disaster hits the south it`s a nanny state and when one hits new york,Chicago,and d.c it is something ,all you tea partiers,are you going to get rid of fema now?are you going to stop helping people who are in disaster zones?before the super storm sandy that's all you heard ,we need to get rid of fema.i bet that went down the tube.especially since mitt Romney needs the northeast and all those states hit by sandy.this proves just how double tongued these political parties are .as for me,there has always been a place for government to protect people,and in times of disasters,help them as well.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Obama recovery

Is it not funny.all the pundits that criticized Obama for bailing out Detroit now are saying he did the right thing.and all the same ones know are applauding the treasury for what it and Bernanke has done.and,just think,if Romney wins,he will win a economy primed and ready for recovery.and i am sure the republicans will boost and tout it as the Romney recovery.but,smart people will know better.housing is on the swing up.and all agree it is of the leading groups against Obama,the economist,know has turned around and agreed that this administration has saved the u.s from an complete disaster.the u.s is forecast to grow at 2.3% the strongest of any economy.ironic.especially if Romney gets his hands on it and sends us back into recession by doing what Europe has done.i hope Obama wins.but if he does n`t,i hope Romney and his lets destroy America by pandering to the rich remember that is what collapsed European economies.and lets Obama`s and Bernanke`s ideas stay until we have fully recovered.yes,it would be ironic.the republicans who were divisive,obstructionist would inherit a recovery they fraught against so hard.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

mitt romney

 what i have seen of mitt Romney he is just another bushlad.he does not have any idea of what he would he is going to do the bushlad  legacy.start a war in Syria and Iran.cut taxes on the rich,raise taxes on the middle class.use immigration to distract America from the real problems.we do not need another bushlad.we are just starting to get over the last one.we do not need another republican riven war to divide the country and drive our debt even further up.we need to start dealing with our problems and let the bush tax cuts expire.if Romney wins,we will end up in two wars,and a new cold war with Russia and china.and our debt will triple.and the economy will collapse.

Evil is alive and well among gop

 I have never in my 40 years of life seen such racist,hate filled remarks on news media.there was a mass killing in Wisc.and most of the remarks were oh..its Obama fault,or that's one less weld=fare ,,or there goes the food stamps.WTF?#1 how the hell is it Obama`s fault#2 he was an ex marine so i doubt they were on food stamps or welfare.and whats worse is the gop lovers who got on there running there ignorant mouths.this is why i have come to the conclusion the gop will eventually destroy the u.s.then i also ask why in the hell would you instead of offering prayers and love to the victims would you insult so many.if you are with the gop good,but don`t take a tragedy and turn it into lets blame the president and say the republicans will stop crime,because the don`t.and don`t air the fact your gop and racist.

Friday, October 19, 2012

special needs child attcked in george county

 a special needs child was attacked and sent to the hospital in George county.there has been no charges filed against the senior,who is 18.the boy 14,has cerebral palsy,which leaves part of his body paralyzed.he also blind in one eye,and has seizures.the incident began with the senior calling him retard,the boys became upset and threw a can.the can did not hit the senior.but he attacked the helpless child.leaving him beaten and bruised with one eye swollen shut.George county sheriff has not filed any charges on the kids attacker.the boy 14,for now is at home recovering.i know the laws states it is a felony to assault any disabled individual.even if he hit the subject,he knew this boy could not fight.he should have walked a man,he was 18,the boy is 14.if i was the kids parents ,i would sue George county school,since they allowed this bully to attack him.

Monday, October 15, 2012

the bengazi attacks

people say hindsight is 20/20.and it is easy to be  a armchair quarterback.and that is what is happening with the attacks in Libya.the gop says the president knew.well,lets step back.the u.s had intelligence that plans could be used as flying bombs long before 9/1/01.but what could we do?we can not protect against every attack.regardless what fox news says.and experts have all agreed we would not have been able to stop this one.i do not hold the attacks of 9/1/01 against bush.nor,do i hold the attacks on Benghazi against Obama.the world since we invaded Iraq and Afghanistan has become more and more dangerous.and this is not 2001.we have more dangerous and trying waters to navigate.and deciding to go to war just because we can is not an option now.and those who think shoot first and ask questions later probably have no family in the military.this is not the old west.we need a strong military,but we should never attack some other nation just because we can.we should go after terrorist,wherever they are.and Obama did this,not bush.and i doubt Romney would.the world has changed.we need to be mindful of that and navigate with that in mind.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

the new gop-voter intimitation

 Recently several ceo`s have told their employes that if obama wins,they will fire all there employes.and what is mind blowing is the gop acts like these guys have the right to do this.well,they do is called voter intimidation.and it is part of a larger plan to keep people from voting.part-1 voter id,strictly a racist and indefensible idea,its aimed at the poor and minorities which will likely vote for obama.part 2-get your rich allies to intimidate voters by saying if obama wins all of you will be fired.this is illegal .and these ceo`s should be put in jail.if a ceo said if Romney wins your fired you would see every fox news guy call for him to be sent to jail.and,is this really how the gop wants to be remembered in history?as a illegitimate party who won by  fraud and intimidation?

Monday, October 8, 2012

My favorite lines fron steward-o`riley debate

#1 john steward-why is it when you take advantage of a tax break and your a company or rich it is smart.but if you take advantage of something you need not to be hungry your a moocher?when you need something,it`s an entitlement ,when they need it it is what it is.-now this is what i have said for years.the republican party has called the hard looks at the rich class warfare,the truth is,class warfare has been going on for a long time.the rich see the rest of us as their slaves.and i dare them speak out idea runs thick.they have cut education,they have cut anything that would help a struggling family,why?to fund pork programs that help the rich.#2this was from stewards opening statement-a good portion of this country has created an alternate reality in which the issues we face revolve around a woman from Georgetown.-this is true.they have called this woman every demeaning word they can think is sick,twisted.but for some reason now,it is ok.#3 the electoral college makes no sense we should go with the popular vote.-the reason the electoral college exist is congress believes the American people do not have enough sense to elect a president.oh,you vote does n`t count.your electoral representatives vote counts. and they are not bound to vote the way your district votes.---now my option-neither the Democrats or republicans are worth their weight in salt.but i have listened to both.and the Democrats sound less racist,and they did not cast 47%of the nation aside and say to hell with them.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

why the gop hates pbs

 it is really simple.pbs is the only publicly sponsored tv station.they are not trying to brainwash your kids into buying Disney,or harry potter.and they are educational,something the gop stands against.a smart and education voter population will vote for the issues.they do not want that.they say it is because of the,it is because it represents something more.a commitment to education and enlightenment.the pentagon spends the exact same amount of money every 6 seconds.if the rich paid their fair share,it would not matter.the reasons they give are is truly sad when pbs is being attacked by the gop for purely the sake of their puppet masters.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Voter id laws

 In theory voter id laws are a good thing.nut in practice these laws are discriminatory,and can been of today already ,10 counties in Florida are reporting problems with gop sign up sheets.while the gop portrays the Democrats as cheaters,more often it is the,who honestly believes that if voter id laws were tightened,someone would not find a way around it?we are getting rid of our constitutional rights when we vote these laws in,and opening our selves up for a socialist state,where only members of the party in good standing can vote.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

the price we all pay for destructive politics

 Since Obama has been elected and the republicans to control of congress,we have seen noting but obstructive politics by the republicans.even when gave everything they asked for they is as almost they want our economy to fail.the cost?our credit rating has been lowered twice.we cannot just cut our way back to financial stability.after two wars that were never paid for and generous tax breaks to the richest Americans,it is no longer possible.without the ability for the government to raise taxes we are doomed to economic failure.and the republicans say hyperinflation is coming,they are right.but,they have share of the blame.obstructive politics are dangerous.and the degree of just total disrespect for the office of the president is unprecedented.if this had been bush,the republicans would have called for the disbanding of the democratic party.if you value our country,tell your congressman to stop fighting and do whatever it takes to save our great nation.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

i am nowtotally against any republican

 It was`t bad enough Romney said 47%of this country are victims,victims,people who worked their whole life,veterans,and working class poor.then he double downed.and then insulted even more people.but the fact that i read every day the dumb ass remarks of republican twitters.such as they should get a better work father walked 10 miles to and from work.i bet the ass whole who wrote that b.s.  never walked 10 ft to father worked his whole fucking life.these damn new republicans have lost me.and my dad who was a loyal republican.this country is going is becoming the way it was in the early 20 century.where workers have no rights,and if your poor you can just die and the rich are above the law.the republicans have said if obama wins there will be civil war.i think it is the other way around ,if they win this country will have a civil war.because we will have indentured servants,to the super rich.and only millionaires and billionaires will have rights.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Romney and the 47%

a lot of people who are republican think he is right.but,his remarks are actually 110%wrong.#1 67%of Americans pay taxes,and 57 of the biggest corporations in America did not pay taxes last year.#2  republicans ignore the fact that vets are part of the 47% and i doubt they see themselves as victims.the elderly paid taxes on the money they get.#3 even millionaires get entitlements.large billion dollar companies get tons of entitlements.the 47% are nto lazy,most work everyday.and if you look at where most people who get entitlements live they tend to be from republican voting why is it these people do not look and see he is talking about him?they view him as talking about minorities.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

truth in politics.

Where i come from the gop is a religon.every word they say even when it is widly known to be a lie is the gospel.i at one time was a loyal voter fot the gop.then came pat bucanan,carl rove,george h.w.bush(the original bushlad)and haley barbour.and after that i hate the gop.they spew raceism,hatred,and are against the poor working class and the disabled.i vowed i would vote for a worm before a republican.what`s worse is that when the bushlad was in office if you pointed out he was lying they had the nerve to say you were a foward to 2012.the same lies,hatred and dehumanizing of the poor and disabled.and do not point out the fact that our credit rating got dropped because they shut the government down to prove a point,even when they got what they wanted.and their nominey has a habbit of shooting his mouth off without knowing all the facts.
 I do not like the demorcrats either.they are to soft on iran.and do nto support isreal.i mean,lets say mexicos military begain firing rockets into houston,how long do you think the u.s would hold off beforing bombing mexico?two-china,china is threatning japan.we have done nothing.we should be showing that we will stand up for our allies.
 This bring me back to the gop,if a democrat said lets kill the republican president how many of these people would not call for him to be arrested?and i am sure they would make him resign.and if a democratic Governor threatened succession,they would have him up on treason.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

religon and politics

 the attack in Libya has but a spotlight on how some view the middle est it is forbidden to show Muhammad at all. when westerners poke fun,it infuriates them.but,i have always said this,why?they think it is OK to show Jesus and mosses in there propaganda in demeaning ways.but yet,if a westerner shows their sacred prophets,they get violent.I look at it this way,as long as they do that,they have no right to cry.

why the u.s is falling behind

 people wonder why the u.s. is falling behind.if you look at the most successful nation of the last decade,china,it is obvious.#1-education. it is not political,they fund public education in full and we have been cutting and cutting and blaming teacher for students not performing#1b,-parents are fully involved in there learning,and they hold the children responsible.#2 highways and railroads,china built 220,000 miles of interstate roads.20,000 miles of our roads and bridges are falling down.we have done nothing since the interstate system was built.rail,we have not invested in new rail lines.#3 finally,and the most divisive her in the u.s.  universal health care.we are the only industrialized nation in the world that does not have universal health  cuts the costs to business,and it keeps the workers healthier. here in the u.s it is politicized .the lobbyist for the rich and the gop say it is a war against the rich,but look at china,they have the largest,fastest growing middle class in the world.i do not care if you are Democrat or republican.we need to start somewhere,why not follow china`s own blueprint?

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Isaac aftermath

 as i have stated before my town of stonewall was really flooded out.the red cross came and talked to me,as i had no water or damage i discussed my neighborhood.but i have learned a few residents are trying to take advantage of  the red cross.i am offended.they we no where near the flooding and yet they are claiming they got 6-12 inches of water in their house.if that was so,my house would have been under 5 ft of water.i have pics of the flooding.and i can prove that although my house was surrounded by water,it did not get high enough to get if it did not enter my house then there is no way it got in their house.

Friday, August 31, 2012

flooding from isaac

 isaac brought winds,but it was rain that caused the most damage in my home state.the pics above are from my neighborhood.we experienced record flooding.several houses were flooded and they had to rescue other parts of the county,there was widespread and record flooding.several residents were rescued from high water.also,a tornado touched down,demolished two houses,and injured the state,there was one killed when a tree limb fell and crushed the cab of the truck he was in.also a flood emergency was declared when flood waters threatened to cause a dam to fail,they are currently trying to relieve the pressure on the dam,but all the residents are still in shelters.there was widespread power outages.but most have been restored.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Abraham lincoln and the gop

 Abraham Lincoln,one of the greatest presidents inU.S.history,and founder of the gop.would be embarrassed to be linked to today's gop.they are racist,ant-government,and have gotten to comfy with the rich and powerful companies. in the last decade,the change has been nauseatingly fast.and is shameful.the so called birther movement is the biggest example.and the tea party.and their message of white superiority has found a good home with extremist.the race card has been used by both parties,but never like what we have seen since bush lost in `08.I was a loyal republican,but no more.a house divided shall not stand.

Monday, August 27, 2012


 tropical storm isaac is expected to become a hurricane and strengthen to at least a cat.2 before landfall somewhere between Morgan city and prepared-state of emergency declared in Louisiana and Mississippi.residents should be prepared for the hurricane.there still is uncertainty to exactly where it will make landfall.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

climate change is real

 despite what the GOP industrial propaganda machine says,climate change is real.this is the worst drought since the dust bowl.the Mississippi river is closed for 11 miles,Greenland`s ice caps are gone,in less than 1 year what was left melted.temperatures have been at record highs and over across much of the u.s.when will America wake up?my fear is we have already waited  to long and we may cause our children to suffer worse than predicted.i myself cannot sit and say oh well,this is not my problem.because the way things are going,we will have devastating weather.where i live there really was no winter last year.and that is a  ,i plead to my fellow Americans ,wake up,it may already be to late.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

the gop and obamacare

 i love to watch MIT Romney and the gop attack obamacare.and here is why.1-they invented obamacare,that`s right all you so called obamacare haters,MIT Romney invented obamacare while Governor of Mass.and it helped bring business their.2the gop says wolf about a public option,while their coup was in full swing they blocked the public option where they could use it as political points..3 they blast its cost-here is a fact under the last republican president,the cost of healthcare exploded,and more Americans will lose coverage,and guess who pays the bill anyway?4just plan stupid-we are the only,that's right,only industrialized nation that does not have universal health care.and sooner or later it is coming..5-we claim to be a christian nation,so why are we so dead set against helping our fellow man?answer-pure greed and hatred.

Friday, July 20, 2012

at least 12 more have died

 I believe in the right to bear arms.but what does the average person need with military grade firearms?and i do not think it is for hunting.i hunt with a 308.of a 12 gauge.all these guns do is give criminals and nuts the ability to cause mass harm like what happened is time we looked at reality.we need real gun a country that has become so mad,we need it.some say,these kind of guns in the hands of the average American prevent our government from overstepping its they don`t.the government has weapons that make this look stupid.please,for the sake of all the victims yet to come,come together for a intelligent gun law.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

penn state cover up?no suprise there.

 cnn and others are shocked to find out yes,Penn state covered up Joe paterno`s actions? really?after all,that is what made this college and others like it famous.their football .and good ole joe was a football god to these no,it is no surprise,look at the money they raked in.they had to cover it up to keep people from seeing the truth.but now its out,has anything changed?no.i guarantee there are others like him.and there actions will be covered long as people worship these men,they will get away with it.

Monday, June 18, 2012

say no to that`s my boy

 Adam sander should be ashamed to star in a movie that subject is child molestation.this movie should be banned .this happens to young boys and girls everyday.and to have Hollywood raking in the money with this movie making comedy,it is could anyone watch this?i mean,Jerry sandusky`s trial is ongoing,and he was worshiped,and his victims were basically lynched for coming forward.but its OK,Adam sandler can make fun of it,not!

Monday, June 4, 2012

a little miracle

 today at the doctors office,i met a wonderful 3 year old who had a heart transplant at age 2.she was diagnosed with heart failure at age 1,and then put on the transplant list.miraculously a week later,a heart was ready,she had the transplant,and is now happy and full of life.i can only pray she continues to have good health.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

knock out roses are a knockout!

 another one of my mom favorite out of the garden.these flowers were only supposed to get 4 ft tall,mine are 6!and they make dozens and dozens of roses!and have a great smell.they are her bragging plants.we have 3.and even the smallest puts on a if you want a rose that never fails to turn heads,get knock out roses.they come in several you should be able to find a color you will love.

daylilies galore!

 they finally started blooming this mom is thrilled.i planted a huge amount of plants for my mom after she got down.i figured she would at least get to see her yard be the pretty .but,she took to the day lilies instantly.and they have been putting on a show.she has been absorbed in taking care of them.when she can get around,otherwise i do.but,they have been a blessing for gives her something  to look foward to,and she feels good tending to,they are doing their job.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

violent speech in politics.

I am totally disgusted with the tone coming from our political a time when a senator was shot,and others killed for a dumb,yes dumb ass to keep using such violent overtones is my hometown,a man,who was drunk,blowed his mouth off and was put in jail,yet this ass of a washed up rock star can say this and not get put in jail?what is the difference?oh,he is rich.well,that just supports my position that the rich think and are treated better than the rest of us.and that will be the undoing of America.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

is it really that bad?

 people are kicking and screaming over the fact the new health care law would make you buy insurance,why?no one batted an eye when the government made you buy auto insurance so when some jack off hits you he can get a new is the same prince able.i know why,it would mean the average American would be able to get health care.and that pisses off the rich,the one thing they have always had access to that the middle class and poor could not get.real health care.all i have heard is some lame excuse not to do it.get over it,we are the only industrialized nation in the world that does not have health care mandated.i know it will not happen,our so called highest court has already more than likely been bought off with ,i think america is going to see just what the billionaires want .

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

the politics of race and obama

 I was at first against Obama.every time someone challenged him  on the campaigne trail in `08 about what he said he would do,they were called racist.i began to feel as though he was using race to hide the fact he had no plan.but,since his election,i have also been sickened by the way my country has reacted.he is  blamed for things he had no control over.gas,the loss of our aaa rating.which was lost because there has not been any real attempt by dem,or control the u.s. dept.instead,the keep cutting taxes.that would be like a dead beat dad quitting a job to keep from paying child support.cut the money coming in,but keep spending like always.and the gop always targets the poor and the elderly.sure,it is an easy target.but what about all the pork and cooperate welfare?and then this myth the rich pay more in taxes,please,do they think we are that stupid?and the myth that corporations pay high taxes.the top ones actually have not paid any taxes in the last decade.then there is the way some in the gop act.getting right in his face trying to provoke him.what do they want ,him to punch them?has it come to that?any other president would not be treated the way he has.imagine if a dem.had tried this on bush.he would have been locked away in some jail.and he at least dosent shut down news interviews with a lame 'your interview is going into national security 'like what happened with Colin think America has missed an opportunity.and the reason is racial.and i fear the next president will make bush look like a light weight.

Monday, March 12, 2012

the b.s of its un-american to silence limbaugh

every since Limbaugh opened his mouth and inserted his foot,the rep.damage controllers have been saying it is un-american to silence him.why?when bush had control,he threatened reporters for reporting the truth.and his cronies pulled some off the my hometown a man went to jail for blowing steam off and saying the wrong thing about Obama.the GOP always plays the un-american card when it is one of there own.but when its someone else,it is ok.oh,i think the idea of artificially controlling the price of gas is a communist idea,but for some reason,because a gop member is calling for it,its here is my predection.if the gop wins,the elderly,disabled will be own there own,left to die.while the big cats get new tax breaks.there will be an american-communist government where the department of homeland security will become the kgb.the patriot act essentally ripped the bill of rights up,so it is the next blame obama.but when the racist,rich coporate backed gop wins,you`ll say i was so stupid.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

election and the idea you and i chose a president

 so ,here it is ,another election cycle.every four years we listen to a ton of election garbage,then go vote.they say your vote counts.but does it really?we have had presidents who lost by the so called popular,if your vote counted ,they never should have been president.but,we all know,your vote really does not fact very few votes really count.thanks to a thing called the electoral count.this is one way in which your vote is diminished.these are a few chosen who decide the true winner,not me,not  exists because the government decided the average American is not capable of choosing a leader.but from what i seen,neither can they.
    the truth is ,this practice means that only a handful of states actually decide who the next president is.they do not have to visit the south,or the Northeast.they don`t matter.this is in fact,a clever way to circumnavigate your right to chose.and should be outlawed.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

the myth that american companies are paying high taxes

Recently,warren buffet stated an obvious fact.that american companies paid only 12.1% in taxes,and the top 30 actually got 13%back.and that the myth that american companies pay high taxes is a myth.if that is true,why do so many people here in the US believe it?one answer,the republican party has always said fact,this whole campaign cycle has been about of their favorite slogans is Taylor made for this,flat assumes,wrongfully,that the rich pay more than they should,so to balance it,a flat tax would make poor and middle income individuals pay more,while giving a tax break to the rich who own these companies.
  the fact is,corporate taxes are lower now than in many times has your taxes went up since then?this is what has turned me against the gop.and it is why i say you can not cut spending enough to make up for the some point,we are going to have to tax the rich and companies more.or do you think china will come and defend you rights?it is time we wake up.the gop is not looking out for the well being of America.nor do they care.

Monday, February 27, 2012

the two faces of republicans

 one they claim they are small government.but,at the same time,they created death panels in Arizona.they are pro-birth,but they are cutting funds that help people get pregnancy help.they are pro-recovery,but they blocked the stimulus,which helped the big motor the way if the all fold,we lose our independent ability to build tanks,etc.and they are for the middle class.but,they have tried and tried to use the self indulging joke of flat taxes to raise taxes on the poor and middle class while giving huge tax breaks to their millionaire and billionaire friends.they want us out of Afghanistan,yet they bashed obama for pulling out of Iraq.the Democrats have the same problem,but its like the republicans actually think they are gods,listen to them.and if your non-biased,you would agree.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

whitney houston:not nessicarly the news.

 Whitney Houston was a great singer,there will never again be a voice like hers.she will be forever remembered for her songs.but her death and funeral are not news.what about the scientist who`s breakthroughs are helping in the fight against cancer?what of them?they have actually saved lives.did she?did she fight on a foreign shore for her country?this is rendering the word hero to where it means nothing.i loved her songs,but,please,you really think she deserved all this non-stop coverage?if so,what about all the others?and what of the great actors?do they not get the same?what is worse it is being compared to coverage of fallen is not in the same class,men and women who die for this country are better than her.and she should not get the same right.this fame worshiping country is gotten ass backwards.she will be remembered.but not just her music.and that is what is sadder still.

wild hog hunting

 i am posting this to tell those of you who do not know how wild hog hunting goes.they use dogs to find and bay the hog,and these dogs get seriously hurt.i was on a mans property when a hunt was in progress.the Kevlar vest did nothing to protect the dogs.these dogs got gutted,broke ribs, dog,stayed with me.its owner threatened to kill it for not joining  the hunt.this as is stands is a inhumane hunt.i am not saying this because of the hog,because they are a real problem.they hurt,and have killed people.and they are aggressive.but,to hunt the way i have stated is to inhumane for me to support.

Friday, February 17, 2012

crises in syria

 there are people here in the U.S. who say,so what why should i care about the bloodshed in Syria?for one,it will spill over and has into Lebanon.just because the u.s. media is worried over Whitney Houston does not mean it does`t impact your world.two,the human toll .we always say never again will we allow genocide.but we have .remember Rwanda?the rivers ran red with blood,we did nothing.we have a chance to show Arabs we care,but we don`t or we would have went in regardless what Russia ,china thought.they do it,so why not.remember Georgia?Russia invaded,we sat by.the Syrian leader is killing hundreds,men,women,and children.we should act.and if we don`t,we should never again say we are acting for humanitarian reasons.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

contraception;the real agenda

 i have blogged om many things,but this one i find hard to believe,the fight over contraception in 2012.i took,biology,chemistry,etc.and i study what happens to the women years later who had a baby year after is not pretty,nor should women have to go through this.but, for some reason,and i than the 20 and counting asses for this,people think its OK.those jerks have caused a lot of unnecessary harm.if this happened to men every time they got a woman pregnant,it would be law.but,men don`t so they do not care,and it is part of the old idea a woman`s place is in the kitchen.well, i would rather have a strong willed,smart woman than someone who would do such a thing.

Friday, February 10, 2012

the double standard and injustice of jerry sandusky

 In any other situation,a accused child molester would not be allowed near a grammar school,and yet,he is making out like he has this right.what about the rights of parents to protect the children?this happens to much some pedophile that is a big man  cries foul and they get away with it.till a kid comes up dead and then we finally decide that they are a danger. i do not believe he will be found guilty.why?fame ,fortune,and the legacy of Penn state would be forever,they will act like they are going to put him through the ringers,but already,he has been given more leanancy than any other man in the same,he should not be allowed to live by a,he should not be allowed to sit in his porch and lust over these kids.even if he is innocent,he should understand why a parent would not want someone accused of such a thing near there kids.and he can give his dog a biscuit with out showing his face.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

the problem with political parties

 the problem with political parties is they paint themselves into a corner.example-republicans,they say they want smaller government,and tax breaks for companies and the wealthy to create jobs.bur the reality is sooner or later to keep the economy from taking a free fall,they and democrats,are going to half to raise taxes on companies and the wealthy.another issue-so called Obama care,or national health care.the truth is that the cost of health care is rising faster than the living wages are.many people are going to be without health care,and most are going to be under insured.and families especially,are going to be bankrupted by an unexpected injury,or illness.millions of Americans go bankrupt because of health care cost.i myself was a victim of no money,no insurance,we will patch you, i say to both of the parties,get it together.and another thing,quit saying illegal immigrants are taking the jobs,it is not true.and quit gay bashing,it has called enough bloodshed already.

graphic disturbing pics on facebook

for some reason people on Facebook think they are doing good for their cause by posting very graphic and disturbing pictures on there this i say,you are worse than the woman who aborted the are worse than the a** that abused the animal.and what is even worse ,they post these pics without ever knowing the full story behind the pics.for all they know,that child might have been a miscarriage.which a cousin of mind had a pic of her miscarried child,and everyone jumped her not knowing the story behind i say you are doing your cause more harm than good.stop it.and if you think it is just me its not.nobody wants to see it

Blood on their hands

 it has become so normal to bash illegal aliens and gays that you can not listen to tv or go to a store without hearing slurs about them.then we act surprised when a young person beats them.the same is true for the homeless.there are teens who target homeless people because the think they have no rights.and they are right.this country is so screwed up .now out of Georgia ,comes a group who video taped themselves beating a gay now we act surprised.but this is what happens when politicians use divide and vs. white straight,rich vs.poor.etc.i hope all of these hate mongers go to hell.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Why syria should be seen as shameful

 as we all know, the u.n vetoed a resolution that called for an end to the soon as the vote failed,the Syrian government moved on and began a bloody race.a race to kill as many as possible before the west decides it has had enough.then,there is Russia and china.they do not care about the people of Syria,they are just chest thumping for their people.who,are tired of their leaders the blood fills the streets of Syria,the world has been scared by Russia,china.  

Saturday, February 4, 2012

why russia and china will not allow un intervention in syria

 it not just that they were cold war allies.its not just that they are one of there best customers of military supplies.they have for nearly a year down played a simple fact.the people of the middle east are tired of being brutalized by there own leaders.they have instead replaced this truth with the cold war spin that the west is the cause.and another truth hides in their veto-they are scared an Arab spring might lead to a Russian and Chinese spring.this fact alone is why they are stonewalling the UN security council.and keeping it from doing its job,to protect the peace.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

haley barbour-why are we suprised?

 everyone is up in the air ,Haley Barbour the super republican paroled all those criminals.and why is that a surprise?he cut the elderly and disabled  care clean out-leaving hundreds of elderly and disabled Mississippians without a way to get any care,he slashed medicaid,but that's ok.he has been doing everything he could to destroy Mississippi.and he did it like a true lobbyist.i do not like him,never have.he was and is a lobbyist.and they only do what the money tells them to do right or wrong.the releasing of the inmates is by far the worst he did.but when you examine his career,it should not surprise you.

Friday, January 6, 2012

proverty and the gop

i am the son of a master welder who was nearly killed in a accident.after his accident my father could no longer work.the friends we had no longer came around,and some became the definition of judge jury.even though they came to us to get help and we helped them.poverty is a funny thing.we are not really considered human by the gop.we live from paycheck to them we do not need any help.their big money friends and companies mean more than a family.just look at there big talking points-flat tax ,good for the rich,very devastating to the poor and working poor.allowing bush tax cuts to become permanent.-good for the rich ,no help for anyone else.eliminating estate tax-a dream come true for the wealthy-but it means they will have to make up that money somewhere else.and where will it come from?the old and disabled.the gop has always wanted to get rid of,think before you vote.