Sunday, March 4, 2012

election and the idea you and i chose a president

 so ,here it is ,another election cycle.every four years we listen to a ton of election garbage,then go vote.they say your vote counts.but does it really?we have had presidents who lost by the so called popular,if your vote counted ,they never should have been president.but,we all know,your vote really does not fact very few votes really count.thanks to a thing called the electoral count.this is one way in which your vote is diminished.these are a few chosen who decide the true winner,not me,not  exists because the government decided the average American is not capable of choosing a leader.but from what i seen,neither can they.
    the truth is ,this practice means that only a handful of states actually decide who the next president is.they do not have to visit the south,or the Northeast.they don`t matter.this is in fact,a clever way to circumnavigate your right to chose.and should be outlawed.

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