Friday, July 19, 2013

racism.the myth and rality.the trayvon martin aftermath.

  The truth is racism exist in every race on has been with us since the first men of different color saw each other.the trayvon martin trial has been used by some,to inflame racial tensions.while others,including me,have tried to point out racism is in many forms.and that yes,Zimmerman is morally guilty.but,legally he is not.the stand your ground law gave him immunity.there are some who are "protesting"the travesty they feel done in this case and using it to commit racial violence.there have been black on white attacks,and black on Hispanic.and all this does is reinforce the tea party.and loses focus on the task at hand,repealing these stand your ground laws.they are nothing more than a license to kill laws.we need to recognize racism.and allow it and those who believe in it to go the way of the past.until we are able to see each other and not the past or skin color,we are never going to be able to move on.the fact is by saying that racism exist in all races got me called a racist.but,i do not care.the truth is the truth.and the truth is...i do not know what happened the night trayvon was killed.but morally,i feel Zimmerman is in some form guilty.but i do not condone using this as an excuse to commit violence against others.i can understand where the black anger comes from.but,not all whites are racist.and in fact,there were whites who gave their life during the civil rights movement.they marched with dr.king.and even now,there are whites standing up against this travesty.but,when we pass laws,we should look to see if it is really necessary.maybe,just maybe,if there had not been a stand your ground law,Zimmerman would be in jail.

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