Saturday, June 29, 2013

Our obligation to the future

 So,what is our obligation?seems silly to some.but,in order for our society to survive,we need to think.what we have done in the past,with racism,war,and intolerance has poisoned the future for a while.look how long it has took just to get where we are today.and it took people who were not minorities to stand with those oppressed,to change.and,even worse,it took the lives of visionaries.such as John F.Kennedy,Robert Kennedy,Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King.and yet,we still are not there.the barbarous notion one race is superior in our time is foolish.and it comes with a heavy price.look at the crusades,ww2.look at the genocide.and know the cross of homicide.we all are stained with blood.until we look at the ghost of these people who believed they were superior and say begone,no more will you hurt anyone.
  But,that is only one problem.look at our is poisoned beyond repair.our descendants will have this burden to bear.and it will be harsh.we think we know what it will be like.but the truth is,we really have no idea.we must find a way to repair the damage we have done.but,what are we doing?we are allowing the very ones who helped destroy this world continue to do so.even though we know its toll in the future is incredible.we want what we want.but,to survive,we need to start thinking long term.past our lives,past our children`s and their children`s.we need to start going back out there,to the stars.and we need to get serious.this planet is doomed.we can not save it.and to save our society,we must start thinking about our obligations to the future.start really finding a way to educate education,and make higher education easier for those who can not afford it.
 and lastly.we owe it to our future to help societies in our world who are make them secure.and to help teach them.not dictate to them,help and teach.then we have a greater chance of surviving the future

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