Monday, February 11, 2013

pope bendict resighns.

 many today are talking about the fact the pope is going to resign.he says it is because he is in bad health.but others say it is because he has become a former job within the church was the office that formerly carried out the inquisitions.while there every case of child molestation from around the world landed on his desk. he knows more than anyone just how bad the problem is.he knows who they are and he moved them from place to place.he allowed monsters to roam in the house of god.he allowed these evil men to go to mass.he is a liability because recently ,a case was  being made that because he and others were complacent and allowed 1000 `s to be abused,it amounted as a crime against humanity.
   now,i believe the church has a place.but,until the church stands up and says these evil priest are nothing more than predators,and turns them over to respective authorities,the church will continue to lose its moral is not just an American thing,it is not an Anglo Saxon thing,everywhere there a priest,reports have been popping,whoever becomes pope,i pray for will need to see god does not want this in his is paramount to killing the souls of the not bury the truth anymore.these men are not priest,they are wolves in sheep's clothing.

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