The death and dismemberment of Saudi/American journalist khmal khashoggi should,you think,cause mass outrage among the republican base.and yet,nothing.when i was a kid jimmy carter was president,and Iran kidnapped Americans from the U.S consultant. republican were furious.and rightfully so... this was an act of war. but,what is different?
both instances a U.s resident was kidnapped. both incidents happened at a embassy. only difference is the torture...a gruesome torture and killing,dismemberment of the American....this goes beyond what happened to the Iranian hostages.but... no republican outrage.
this seems to be part of the if trumps says its ok or false then it is ok syndrome.or as trump calls it the trump syndrome.except it is not democrats who are suffering from it. it is republicans.this man had his fingers cut off,and then was beheaded,and dismembered. and trump says he believes the Saudi royal family did not know because they told him they did not know..... what is he? he claimed on air"i am not a baby".... i say when it comes to world affairs...yes,Donald you are... you are a,the leader of the free world allowed ...yes you allowed... because the nsa and cia knew the saudis had plans to kidnap khashoggi.... and allowed them to kill him... and you expect other nations will not do the same.and whats worse you pushing the rouge killer theory... when anyone with any knowledge of the Saudi government will tell you that is a fairy tale.this war crime against an American citizen demands tough action.... and you sit back and push fairy are worse then jimmy carter. he at least tried..... and when you say you do not talk to terrorist... the republican hero did.. regean sure did.
so,back to my topic... my republican countrymen.... where is your outrage.... an American was kidnapped on foreign soil.tortured .in a brutal way...and killed. is trumps family`s entangled money worth the risk of Russia or north Korea following suit?
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