One only has to look at trumps history to realize he is unfit to be president.but yet,the media covers hm 24/7......why?he has not said anything of importance,or gave any real idea of what he will do as how did we get here?
To understand that,we need to understand history,and how its shadow hangs over this.we need to remember the old south,and how,although they lost the war they won the battle.lost?the south never had a chance against the north.the south was mostly poor,uneducated people.and many at the time,despite what many believe did not care about slavery.they were just trying to survive.the rich in the south decided to seceded....and made a dictatorship.most of the people of the south .poor who did not own slaves are land,had no the rich got there way.and,as in many wars,the poor paid for it ...the southern commanders raided there houses and robbed them,then Sherman burned what they had left down.
so..after the dust settled,many in America had a deep distain...and the rich banned together.and took control of was only broken once...Theodore Roosevelt.
then,fast forward to the Vietnam war.a war in which once again,the majority did not want.....and a war in which even today many wonder what we thought we were doing....the media coverage slowly eroded the support for this war....and those with money,and power learned a valuable lesson.....he who controls the information,controls the masses.
then came the republican savior....Ronald Regan.he did away with a little but powerful piece of the act to which concerns the media....his goal,...control who and what information is out had little impact at the time,but it lead to things like the biggest lie in America fox news.they from the start said they were not a "news channel,we are more of a tabloid news"don`t believe is right there in the forms they had to prepare to gt a license....
then,lets go bush....this republican propaganda channel lead the crusade to invade Iraq....if you are not supporting the president you are a traitor....and the biggest pusher for war...bill o`riley....we later realized bush had no idea what he was doing,and had planned this war long before being also told America that the patriot act was a good idea...if you have nothing to hide,then you have nothing to fear.....we know then,and now defended torture of people...even though it is illegal in the U.S. and is considered a war crime...even now,they defend bush
Then we arrive to the election of Obama..and the real start of the trump for president campaign..he becomes an "expert"for fox,makes many speeches saying he does not believe Obama was born in the u.s....and when Obama shows his birth certificate,he will show his taxes....they parade propaganda aimed at nothing less than the overthrow of an elected official...the tea party propaganda....then,to dismay of Carl rove...Obama won again...this is when the network goes full on racist.trump continues his expert birther movement.
fox and gop during Obama entire presidency try to provoke and assassination of a president,armed overthrow,and that Obama is an illegitimate president.while the gop sits back in congress and does absolutely nothing for eight years...Obama sends job bills,veteran bills to congress and they sit....then an bill to expand funding to the security to embassy world wide goes to congress...and the gop trying to gain brownie pints,cuts it drastically,even after warnings that it will compromise security...and just as predicted by Hillary Clinton...the worst happens in Benghazi....but instead of accepting their part...they begin a multi year,multi million dollar campaign to smear a possible candidate for president,and leading the charge...the gop propaganda machine known as fox.
now,we are to the gives there man tons of free airtime by allowing him to call in..but,they are not alone,cnn,msnbc allow him to lie with out putting him to task..he continues this until recently...when cnn and others begin to call him out on his lies...but why now?because the people who back trump control your media....thank Regan...and if trump wins,we will go to war,and they will lie to your face again.and what i still do not why America people do not know about trumps ties to russia,china....and why they are dangerous to america.
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