Sunday, May 12, 2013

the american dream,and why it is dying.

 when i was growing up in the 70`s,all you were taught is how good the american dream is and how it separated us from the communist world.but,now in 2013 i look and i scared for our children.because i no longer see the american are working two jobs and bringing home less and less.they do not have a way to own a home.if they get down,they will more than likely lose everything.they can not afford insurance.if the car breaks down,they may lose there job.they do everything we expected of them.went to school,graduated.but ,they could not afford college.a straight a student.if he had been in football he would have a better scholarship  so,while we allow numb-skulls who can play sports,we throw out smart,he is working,no chance of making his life better.and he like me hears the republican b.s.lets quit paying overtime and lets give time off.they already screw them on overtime.and i know it would carry over to the time off.we hear the billionaire call saying we cannot pay for Obama-Romney care.
  the truth is,the wealthy have stole the american dream from the middle class and the poor.and the government is an accomplice.they gave them special laws to outsource our jobs.then,all the jobs are wal mart, McDonald,etc.they have no full time employees.they never allow full pay.there is no opritunity. for growth.all the good jobs left.and our government allowed,they want the poor to pay more than so greedy jack ass who makes all the taxes he pays back in a week.give me a break.i do not know if people realize it or not the gap between the rich and poor is the biggest it has ever been.and by gap,it is just that.there are now only rich,super rich and poor.and they think all of us should make out like they are kings.this country made them,and they spit on it.the old barons re-invested in america.they do not.they want to destroy it and create a new billionaire socialist nation.were the poor are slaves to the rich.they preach an armed insurrection may be necessarily  to protect our rights.they mean a rebellion to protect their wealth.and one problem,what if the poor rise up and say we have had enough of the rich puppets allowing them to drag us down?

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