Wednesday, February 6, 2013

the twisted idealism of the gop

 the gop has decided that sequester is the only way.they seem to have to wait for every freakin lobby to go and approve every word of every paragraph before they will allow it to go through.and even then if it even half way makes obama look good,they will not agree to it.the gop has become silly,arrogant,and incompetent.there leaders are so damn worried that the radical branch of its party may say they are to centered they are peeing there paints every time rush and Glenn beck opens their mouth.they are like a miniature dachshund. every time one of these farts sneeze,they mess themselves and pee themselves.they can not come to reality.they are so far in the closet even Dracula thinks they are dead.what is seriously stupid is they think by shutting down the government ,they will win brownie points.THAT DID NOT WORK WHEN BILL CLINTON WAS IN OFFICE,AND YOUR RATINGS ARE EVEN LOWER NOW.instead of capitalizing on issues that would help them,they go deeper and deeper in the hole.i used to like the gop,but now,they are just a band of sad dummies who are scared of the imaginary monsters under the is a line they used to use-liberal bed wetters,problem is,the gop are the bed wetters.every time something comes along,they piss themselves worrying rush,Glenn and Sarah will not say they are worthy of there praise.

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