Friday, February 15, 2013

the gop wants to destroy america

 here we go again.the gop has decided it will retry the obama election again.this time,they are using the Benghazi attack.but this could be used against them as well.some of the same ones raising cane.for one not one of then held George bush responsible for an attack on U.S.soil that killed thousands.his administration knew about the fact that osama planned to use an airplane.when his people shouted it out he told them"ok,you have covered your a** for today,now,lets move on and talk about Iraq.why did they not hold him responsible?because it was a terrorist attack.that would be like holding a store owner responsible for a bunch of thugs robbing him.
   but,no,the gop has got to keep up this rouge that somehow,after this got started we could have stopped it.they forget they were the one who blocked a bill that would have provided for more security Benghazi. they act like they had a crystal ball that told them the future.they have used this issue to sit on there but and do nothing. they have been so obsessed with getting to argue against obama on tv that some,like john McCain,missed the hearings on Benghazi  because he was to busy yammering to that proves what was really important.
     then,they decide to go into recession,right when a sequester is on the horizon.they do not care if it cost American`s there jobs.they did not care that there constant filibustering cost America its credit long they get to have their face on tv.even if they helped draw up the bill,they will vote against it because they are scared obama might get some brownie points.for the last 5 years,the gop has sat on there buts and allowed the u.s to be held hostage by extremist within there party.but,why should they care?they have plenty of money.and if needed there billionaire Friends will come to their aid.after all the tea party was the brain child of the Koch brothers.
    but what is so funny is that the gop propaganda machine fox news,is falling has the lowest rating ever.people have seen them for what they are liars.and at worst race baiters and fear mongers.but,that is what the gop is all about.they have shown the racist core every since a black president got elected.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

the decline of fox news

Yes,we in America have prayed for a long time that fox news would be shown for what it is,fantasy,and fear mongering.and it took an election for them to do themselves in.i still laugh at Carl rove saying there was no way obama won.eve when his own people told him that it was a lost cause.i laugh.i actually have that web clip saved where i can laugh .it amazes me,however that it took the fantasy that the gop had that they were going to blow obama off the map to show fox for what it should not be a surprise to anyone who has a little common sense.
    and yet,many still think that fox is a trust worthy news station.even though when it  was taken to court,it openly said it was more of a tabloid style news channel...and what better proof than they have Gerardo riviera.on staff.if it was not true it would be hilarious.but,because it is true,it is a sad news has done more to hurt this country than anything else in the history of this nation.i wished there was a way to ban them like Canada did.but,there is not.and what scares me is they somehow  regain their popularity and brain wash millions again.this country needs reason,facts.or we will get more idiots like bush in the white house.
    i also remember bill o Riley saying anyone who did not back the war in Iraq was a traitor,that Iraq had nuclear and other wmd.but,that was proven a news helped the gop push through the patriot act which gives any sitting president the right to kill Americans.they also were all for torture.which i am against.because if you do,then do not be surprised when your enemies do it to your is the enemy of reason.Glenn beck,bill o Riley,are the worse.because even when what they say are proven wrong,they never admit they,i hope this is good bye fox,but i know there are to many nuts who will buy any conspiracy theory you throw at them.

Monday, February 11, 2013

pope bendict resighns.

 many today are talking about the fact the pope is going to resign.he says it is because he is in bad health.but others say it is because he has become a former job within the church was the office that formerly carried out the inquisitions.while there every case of child molestation from around the world landed on his desk. he knows more than anyone just how bad the problem is.he knows who they are and he moved them from place to place.he allowed monsters to roam in the house of god.he allowed these evil men to go to mass.he is a liability because recently ,a case was  being made that because he and others were complacent and allowed 1000 `s to be abused,it amounted as a crime against humanity.
   now,i believe the church has a place.but,until the church stands up and says these evil priest are nothing more than predators,and turns them over to respective authorities,the church will continue to lose its moral is not just an American thing,it is not an Anglo Saxon thing,everywhere there a priest,reports have been popping,whoever becomes pope,i pray for will need to see god does not want this in his is paramount to killing the souls of the not bury the truth anymore.these men are not priest,they are wolves in sheep's clothing.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

lance armstrong

 i am happy to hear that lance Armstrong is once again going to appear before a court.this time he will have to tell the truth,about his doping.he can not lie this time.and Oprah will come back to bite him in his lying cheating butt.he will have to answer for obstruction,lying to the court.among others.he should also get ready to have to pay all the money he made.and,he should have to admit he destroyed the sport of cycling.he is an embarrassment.and how he got away with this for so long is beyond me.he should also pay the other cyclist who came forward to tell he was cheating that he destroyed their careers.he was ruthless in this regard.if you were a team mate he would have you fired.and,according to some,make you dope up as,this monster will get his day in court,and the light will show him for what he is worth.and i hope he gets what he deserves for all that he has done.because,there are many in not just his sport,but others,who use sports enhancing drugs,that he should be used as a warning to.if you can not play clean,then you do not deserve recondition.this includes Barry bonds,mark McGuire,and others.

the twisted idealism of the gop

 the gop has decided that sequester is the only way.they seem to have to wait for every freakin lobby to go and approve every word of every paragraph before they will allow it to go through.and even then if it even half way makes obama look good,they will not agree to it.the gop has become silly,arrogant,and incompetent.there leaders are so damn worried that the radical branch of its party may say they are to centered they are peeing there paints every time rush and Glenn beck opens their mouth.they are like a miniature dachshund. every time one of these farts sneeze,they mess themselves and pee themselves.they can not come to reality.they are so far in the closet even Dracula thinks they are dead.what is seriously stupid is they think by shutting down the government ,they will win brownie points.THAT DID NOT WORK WHEN BILL CLINTON WAS IN OFFICE,AND YOUR RATINGS ARE EVEN LOWER NOW.instead of capitalizing on issues that would help them,they go deeper and deeper in the hole.i used to like the gop,but now,they are just a band of sad dummies who are scared of the imaginary monsters under the is a line they used to use-liberal bed wetters,problem is,the gop are the bed wetters.every time something comes along,they piss themselves worrying rush,Glenn and Sarah will not say they are worthy of there praise.