Saturday, September 15, 2012

truth in politics.

Where i come from the gop is a religon.every word they say even when it is widly known to be a lie is the gospel.i at one time was a loyal voter fot the gop.then came pat bucanan,carl rove,george h.w.bush(the original bushlad)and haley barbour.and after that i hate the gop.they spew raceism,hatred,and are against the poor working class and the disabled.i vowed i would vote for a worm before a republican.what`s worse is that when the bushlad was in office if you pointed out he was lying they had the nerve to say you were a foward to 2012.the same lies,hatred and dehumanizing of the poor and disabled.and do not point out the fact that our credit rating got dropped because they shut the government down to prove a point,even when they got what they wanted.and their nominey has a habbit of shooting his mouth off without knowing all the facts.
 I do not like the demorcrats either.they are to soft on iran.and do nto support isreal.i mean,lets say mexicos military begain firing rockets into houston,how long do you think the u.s would hold off beforing bombing mexico?two-china,china is threatning japan.we have done nothing.we should be showing that we will stand up for our allies.
 This bring me back to the gop,if a democrat said lets kill the republican president how many of these people would not call for him to be arrested?and i am sure they would make him resign.and if a democratic Governor threatened succession,they would have him up on treason.

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