Thursday, November 15, 2018

the greatest divider in america.... wealth

what is truly despairing about the wildfires in California is the death toll and the number of people missing..... but, another subject is also high on my list.... the fact that rich people had their own fire department fighting fires near their homes. they used public water systems to do it...and yet, we the people are supposed to act like that is just the way it is. but, think.... with water pressure already low in some of these areas... a private firefighter using public water decreases it further... and that water may have been needed to help with the rescue of people trapped...
 but, this is not the first or even the greatest example of how the rich get away with anything.... anyone who has ever been charged or investigated will tell you, justice may be blind,but she damn well knows the smell of money....if you are poor you are almost guaranteed that if you are charged with a crime, you will be found guilty.... because the state can spend millions to prosecute you. most American could never hope to match that... and I hear you... well, if you innocent you will be found not guilty... that is how it is supposed to work.but, it does not. there are many examples of people found guilty, put on death row, days from execution, who were under new examination, found there was no way they committed the crime.dna has freed many. reasons, why they were convicted, has included overbearing police...overbearing prosecutors who just wanted a win. and racism.but, let's take a look at the other side of the coin.... a millionaire on the lam after being indicted in new york for killing his ex-wife settles in Texas. he rents an apartment... he and his new neighbor begin having disputes....then, one day, he decides to kill his neighbor, and cut him up into pieces and throw his body into the gulf. he found out...he hires a team of well-known lawyers... and well, gets away scot-free .this is the ugly reality. if you are can do exactly what Trump said... stand in the middle of times square and shoot someone and be let go free.
  but it does not stop there..... if you are poor and get sick... you are out of luck.... you will be lucky if you can get to a hospital. much less if the hospital will see you at all... most hospitals now require payment before if you are poor, you work sick and pray it does not get worse..and if it does, you know your done get sick and die.... elderly the same.i have heard people act like someone on Medicare gets great health care.... another lie pushed by the elite.they are lucky if a doctor will take 30 seconds to see them.
  Now lets get to the real if you have the money, you can send your kids to a private school....or move to a good neighborhood with a good school..... but, many can do this?and with the rise of charter schools, public education has taken an even greater beating... and this is the real tragedy... only with a good education can you rise out of crippling poverty...and yet,we have established a system that keeps the poor perpetually poor. their kids will almost never make out of poverty. and then,many have the nerve to blame the poor for there plight... if they would only work harder... many work 100 hrs a week....or.well if they were not blowing their money on drugs or survey showed the poorest people are not as likely to do this...why? food....
  I have known extreme poverty... what it was like to eat out of dumpsters ...what it feels like to have no warmth in the dead of winter...and at the time I was 10.... I saw how people looked at me like I was less than human......and I survived...and I am here to tell you... be careful how you judge others. 

Monday, November 12, 2018


With all the tweeting by trump, ann colter rick scoot about the elections in Florida you may be forgiven if you thought the elections there were crooked.... but the problem is this.. the Republicans control the process there. and they say there is no evidence of fraud what so ever.
 So what is it with this sudden concern? well.. they (the Republicans) have just been handed the biggest midterm defeat since Watergate... and they are worried they will lose more seats. not only in the house but the Senate... which mean their control is shrinking right before there eyes.
 And who do they blame? the voters.... not Trump's campaign of hate, lies, and fear.... but voters and the Democrats...they were warned... that they are becoming a party that is doa.... but instead of trying to broaden the party, they went with trump and doubled down on race. and now they see it is accelerating their instead of seeing the writing on the wall and changing, they cry foul.
 Which bring me to another point... The GOP has become the we are the victim party. everything that happens is someone else's fault.... when the hell did that happen? the republican party was at one time the party of strength... now it is full of and points Kavanaugh. he went full blown baby ..whining, sobbing, and temper tantrum... even though he knew he was going to get the position. which begs why? why go that far? and the answer should be clear... they are scared... scared we as a nation see through there veil attemp....see them for what they are... and they know we reject that ideology.