today for some reason i began to think about do you take decades,century and measure it down to show whom a person is worth?is it even possible?none of us are what we seem to be.we all have dreams.we have seen our dreams abandon us.what became of that bright eyed energetic person? here is an example....if someone whom never knew me met me know they may say i am lazy,not educated and crazy....but,i am not.i can not do things because of a degenerative condition.and crazy comes from having days of being alone in pain.and i no longer care to much about being "the perfect punctuation"i do not see why it matters,ninety percent of people know what i am saying.and if it pisses you off,all i say is get a fucking life.
so how do we do it?do we list successes only?or the happy times only?or do we show humiliation,deep depression?......what really makes us whom we are.....of course we know it is joy,despair...everything.but which ones make us who we are?the best of us?we all want to leave our mark...but what counts?fortune?fame?our friends list on Facebook,etc?i believe it is how genuine we are.the idea of not hiding our true self.i tell what i think.and if someone likes it good.and if they do not good.if it causes someone to stop and think,that is the best.this is all i want.i tell everyone to learn to see with there own not believe what i say,or what someone else says,see for yourself.and another thing that to me means more than fame or fortune,humility.and the ability to look and see someone else pain.sorrow,despair.and try to help.and in situations where the culture as a whole is wrong,tell people this is not right.even if it means harm.we need honest people.not more drones.there are way to many of them.people say oh,your democrat,or republican.i am not i have yet to see either party do anything to help.
so here is how i would measure a genuine they did they treat those whom are less fortunate?did they speak out against cruelty?and finally....did they love...i mean really love.did they hold back on there kids,wife,husband,friends?did they hate?hate people of other races,ethnicity or religion?what did they do for the good of humanity?this is my one is perfect,i never expect someone to bat 100% .because we all have been scared in some way by life.try to make the world happier,and a little wiser....and above all believe in the goodness of people.and love.