Wednesday, August 13, 2014


 If you have been under a rock and have not seen the news,Ferguson,MO has become the center of a very large debate.the first part is as it has been on many things lately is race.and wither or not it played a part in what happened.the victim was a black male.he was reportedly unarmed,when he was shot and killed by a white police race a factor?at this time,it remains to be seen.was he stopped because of racial profiling?unknown at this time.but one fact about race is clear.Ferguson,mo is a predominantly black community.but its police force is predominantly white.that is a problem.a police force should reflect its population....since then however ,a new debate has opened up.and it is just as ugly...the militarization of our police.there are shocking pics coming out of Ferguson...Should a police force be made to where it is more of a military?new armored cars,like the ones used in Iraq by u.s. troops.wearing camo ,dressing in all black like a para military force....when is it to much?when should we as a public demand a deescalation of the militarization? do we want to be a police state?because many of our cities have become police states ...with armed camps of police with the them vs us mentality.we need to step back.our lose what we have altogether.
  We also need to have an honest open dialog about race.and be more open to each other.this as it is has no good is up to us to stop this.