Recently the tensions between china and its Asian neighbors has hit the boiling has in the last several months,threatened japan,the Philippians,and Vietnam.this should wake Americans up.but instead,Americans ignore the growing problem.many intelligence officials believe china will start a war with at least one nation soon.and many say it will be japan...
China claims territory in japan.but why do this now?well,for one,America military is weary.and our president is as well.after nearly two decades of wars,the American public does not seem to be invested in helping their allies.and,after the recent recession,America can not afford it.but the biggest is America has tied its own hands by allowing its economy to be so in debited to also could be that after the fukashima disaster,china feels japan is weaker.
What many do not realize is japan is the worlds 10 largest military.although it is not close in size to china's,japans military,according to some analyst,may be able to hold its own against china.
Then there is the recent row between china and Vietnam.this caused a huge anti-china backlash.and has caused gangs of people to burn Chinese factories.and then there was the actions that china took against Philippians fishermen in the Philippians own territorial waters.
My opinion is one that dates to the cold is this,the United States needs to be preparing for what many see as unavoidable,a war.