Thursday, September 11, 2014

How do you measure life?

 today for some reason i began to think about do you take decades,century and measure it down to show whom a person is worth?is it even possible?none of us are what we seem to be.we all have dreams.we have seen our dreams abandon us.what became of that bright eyed energetic person?  here is an example....if someone whom never knew me met me know they may say i am lazy,not educated and crazy....but,i am not.i can not do things because of a degenerative condition.and crazy comes from having days of being alone in pain.and i no longer care to much about being "the perfect punctuation"i do not see why it matters,ninety percent of  people know what i am saying.and if it pisses you off,all i say is get a fucking life.
  so how do we do it?do we list successes only?or the happy times only?or do we show humiliation,deep depression?......what really makes us whom we are.....of course we know it is joy,despair...everything.but which ones make us who we are?the best of us?we all want to leave our mark...but what counts?fortune?fame?our friends list on Facebook,etc?i believe it is how genuine we are.the idea of not hiding our true self.i tell what i think.and if someone likes it good.and if they do not good.if it causes someone to stop and think,that is the best.this is all i want.i tell everyone to learn to see with there own not believe what i say,or what someone else says,see for yourself.and another thing that to me means more than fame or fortune,humility.and the ability to look and see someone else pain.sorrow,despair.and try to help.and in situations where the culture as a whole is wrong,tell people this is not right.even if it means harm.we need honest people.not more drones.there are way to many of them.people say oh,your democrat,or republican.i am not i have yet to see either party do anything to help.
 so here is how i would measure a genuine they did they treat those whom are less fortunate?did they speak out against cruelty?and finally....did they love...i mean really love.did they hold back on there kids,wife,husband,friends?did they hate?hate people of other races,ethnicity or religion?what did they do for the good of humanity?this is my one is perfect,i never expect someone to bat 100% .because we all have been scared in some way by life.try to make the world happier,and a little wiser....and above all believe in the goodness of people.and love.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


 If you have been under a rock and have not seen the news,Ferguson,MO has become the center of a very large debate.the first part is as it has been on many things lately is race.and wither or not it played a part in what happened.the victim was a black male.he was reportedly unarmed,when he was shot and killed by a white police race a factor?at this time,it remains to be seen.was he stopped because of racial profiling?unknown at this time.but one fact about race is clear.Ferguson,mo is a predominantly black community.but its police force is predominantly white.that is a problem.a police force should reflect its population....since then however ,a new debate has opened up.and it is just as ugly...the militarization of our police.there are shocking pics coming out of Ferguson...Should a police force be made to where it is more of a military?new armored cars,like the ones used in Iraq by u.s. troops.wearing camo ,dressing in all black like a para military force....when is it to much?when should we as a public demand a deescalation of the militarization? do we want to be a police state?because many of our cities have become police states ...with armed camps of police with the them vs us mentality.we need to step back.our lose what we have altogether.
  We also need to have an honest open dialog about race.and be more open to each other.this as it is has no good is up to us to stop this.

Friday, July 25, 2014

What does it mean to be american in the 21 st century?

 For some Americans it is all about my saddened is race.but to me.. it means so much.for one,it means being enlightened enough to see that life is a crap is just a roll of the life in the United States has not been one of luxury,or entitlement.i was born to a mother who was an r.n.and a father who was a master welder at a steel mill.but,as i said,it is all in a roll of the age of 12 ,i was eating out of grocery store dumpsters,and then,i nearly died.but,that was not the worst.because at the time my father was ill,and my mother was barely making money ,now working part time for a bunch of pigs,i was not given adequate medical care.even the doctor over the hospital said,i ended up with a chronic degenerate disease of the,i been the poster child of poverty in America.i see it still,although i do not understand why.being American to me is seeing what is wrong and working together for a answer.we should not be the police of the world.but,we should not allow barbaric genocide.we should work for world peace.but we should also be ready,for there are those whom war is there master.we should not allow the political fervor to keep us from doing whats right.but,it has only gotten worse.being American has nothing to due with politics.but what is right for America.we have seen the American dream sold off to the highest bidder.and this never should have been.we have had companies declared citizens,which is absurd .and we are a nation of immigrants.and yet,we now treat them as dogs.this is whats wrong.we never should be so intolerant.we should treat all sides equally.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014


Have you ever really stepped back and though ...whom,and what is god?what would he think of his children ?we all call god,but by different names....and kill each other.but,what would he think of us doing so?all our history,politics,blood shed .would he just say your all wrong,you forgotten the most basic of my,compassion.without it,none of the rest can be,no,none of you are my the,not the Christians...and no,..not the all have shamed me....and you all have failed.....i will let you try to learn...but i doubt you can.
  just think...if he said that.would the world change?or would the world be so far gone,that it would be impossible?could the religions of the world realize that they are thee same?or would they still preach poison and hate?this is what haunts me.....what if we all are wrong about god?

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

the tension between china and south east asia...

 Recently the tensions between china and its Asian neighbors has hit the boiling has in the last several months,threatened japan,the Philippians,and Vietnam.this should  wake Americans up.but instead,Americans ignore the growing problem.many intelligence officials believe china will start a war with at least one nation soon.and many say it will be japan...
  China claims territory in japan.but why do this now?well,for one,America  military is weary.and our president is as well.after nearly two decades of wars,the American public does not seem to be invested in helping their allies.and,after the recent recession,America can not afford it.but the biggest is America has tied its own hands by allowing its economy to be so in debited to also could be that after the fukashima disaster,china feels japan is weaker.
  What many do not realize is japan is the worlds 10 largest military.although it is not close in size to china's,japans military,according to some analyst,may be able to hold its own against china.
  Then there is the recent row between china and Vietnam.this caused a huge anti-china backlash.and has caused gangs of people to burn Chinese factories.and then there was the actions that china took against Philippians fishermen in the Philippians own territorial waters.
  My opinion is one that dates to the cold is this,the United States needs to be preparing for what many see as unavoidable,a war.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

the russian gamble and why ultimatly russia will pay...

 I have seen many say that in the world eyes America has failed and Putin has won....i do not see that.many in eastern Europe see this as an Nazi style tactic.use the fact there is a area with a population of your people,to invade.and claim you were defending there is strange to see Russia accusing the Ukraine of being neo nazi`s when they are using Hitlers,there will not be an American standoff.but,Putin lost the minute he crossed the border,just like America did when it invaded Iraq......this will have major impact on Russia,Asia,and Europe.and no,America does not have to lift a recent years,Russia,along with china,north Korea have been more of a bully than America has.and by invading a nation that was at the time friendly with Russia,it set several things in motion.....#1 the fears of the so called resurrection of the soviet union have been re awakened.several nations that were part of the soviet union that are now part of NATO will be getting bases and more military hardware.and some such as Ukraine,will begin building there military up.#2 in Asia...this will be translated as the opening bell for a communist takeover...the first thing will bee a bigger,stronger way more advanced Japanese military that might even go nuclear.,south Korea will also strengthen its military,and may go nuclear.and Australia.#3 India will also see this for what it is and continue its build up.....Russia has far from one,it failed.sure,it got a piece of land,but it showed his weakness.

the lies of a google plus community

 Yesterday i did what i have always done,try to let the truth shine on an issue.i had joined a group called political...i leave the rest of the community names out.they claim they are a group who wants an open and unbiased talk about world events....i had been,i joined.thinking i would try and help people see why things are the way they are.i posted a couple of things.then i said russia had no right to invade the ukraine..and then a moderator begain a two day attack.she said that the people there were pro nazis,and that the people in crimeria were russian.and the more she talked,the more she sounded like a pro-communist propaganda machine.i mean she used every excuse that the russian ambassodor to the un the exact way.then,i noticed her post.she is anti israel,anti america.and in her points she always spews the communist point.she will not allow any deviation.and anyone who speaks different is is called free speeech,but there it is not allowed.even one of her other moderators spoke up saying she was wrong,but it did not help.she banned me,and she banned the other can find the group easy on google,but,they have very few members,i wondered why,now i know.
   i said she has a right to her point,but apparently i do not.her and her pro communist friends decided that anyone speaking out against the Russians are banned...i think Google should ban this group.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Autism+depression.....a crippling combo.

 Hello,i am now 43..and i have one of the best memories of my entire life,spanning all the way to when i was a,some say they wish they could remember,i wished i could first counselor who seen me at 16,was deeply troubled.she said that i was the first person she met that had truly given up,that i did not see any purpose to life.she was right.after 16 years of watching my mother,father fight,them my broke was violent,it was hateful.i saw this world,as many with autism do,as being wrong,as if i did not belong here,as though i was from another world.why do people do such cruel things,is this love?i finally got so numb i could not do any school work.i went from the honor roll to failing.the school counselor did not know how to,ii dropped out.i believe now i probably had two nervous breakdowns in my teens,both resulting from the thick cloud of tension that existed in my family.i stayed in my room,just sitting by myself.
  i never felt warmth.i do not know wither it was the autism or my family.but,this excludes my mother.she was the only light i had in the world.she tried to keep me happy to some degree,but that would be snuffed out in a hour.i never had felt such coldness as when i would walk in after my family had a big blow up.i learned to not be heard or seen if,i still can not break that part,and it kills do you break a program that you have had for decades?it did not help that i was nearly killed when i was left me with several neurological problems.i never had true friends.most did not really care to have me around unless no one else was around.
   i have talked and tried to help other parents of kids with autism.i told them we pick up emotion.not can be talking nice,but if your body is saying i am angry,we will be cautious and shy,withdrawn.another thing that annoys me is when i get in a large noisy crowd,i can not focus on one voice,and have actually gotten where i do not hear any voices just noise.and one guy threatened to beat me up,"you stood there and i was talking to you,and when i was asking you something you ignored me,your very unpleasant'.also,i see people in unusual places,and suddenly i do not remember them.and i really can not tell how i fell at the time someone asks,it is impossible.i can not put feelings into words.i know this has jumped around,but,i will try again.......i hope this helps someone.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

the ukraine and russia...and putins dream of rebuilding the soviet union.

 we all watched as the Ukrainian people took back their,the new czar of Russia is drooling ,itching to invade the Ukraine.why?because the new leaders want a pro western Ukraine?no.because it is an easy excuse to use to invade and begin Putin dream of a resurrected soviet has been his dream.and ,if he does invade,there is no guarantee of an easy victory.yes,one half will support Russia.but,lets say the other half does like Afghanistan did to Russia.that would be the ultimate embarrassment.and one befitting a man who is willing to crush a popular uprising with military power.if Russia does invade,Europe,the united states had better recognize it for what it is ,an attempt by Putin to begin rebuilding the U.S.S.R. and begin preparations.because if they do not,they may figure it out to late.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

hatred in america.

 why did this ad cause so many to lose there mind?i found it to be inspiring,we are the great melting pot of the world.and it is nice to be reminded of that.but,we also got reminded of the poisonus hatred that still is amazing.a simple ad ,a beautiful song,caused so many blood to boil.we have so far still to go.
  then there is the stand your ground laws....and once again,Florida is the epicenter.a man got into an argument about the volume of music being played in a car.when he did not get what he wanted,he chased the occupants down,shooting them.he claims they had a weapon,but none was found in the sounds like another i have a gun so i will do what i want and say i was threatened.these laws are nothing more than a license to kill.and they need to be abolished.but,with lawmakers already bought by the nra,it is unlikely we will see this happen.but it is guaranteed that there will be another stand your ground shooting.