Tuesday, October 30, 2012
so nanny state huh?
is`n t funny,when a disaster hits the south it`s a nanny state and when one hits new york,Chicago,and d.c it is something else.so ,all you tea partiers,are you going to get rid of fema now?are you going to stop helping people who are in disaster zones?before the super storm sandy that's all you heard ,we need to get rid of fema.i bet that went down the tube.especially since mitt Romney needs the northeast and all those states hit by sandy.this proves just how double tongued these political parties are .as for me,there has always been a place for government to protect people,and in times of disasters,help them as well.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
The Obama recovery
Is it not funny.all the pundits that criticized Obama for bailing out Detroit now are saying he did the right thing.and all the same ones know are applauding the treasury for what it and Bernanke has done.and,just think,if Romney wins,he will win a economy primed and ready for recovery.and i am sure the republicans will boost and tout it as the Romney recovery.but,smart people will know better.housing is on the swing up.and all agree it is recovering.one of the leading groups against Obama,the economist,know has turned around and agreed that this administration has saved the u.s from an complete disaster.the u.s is forecast to grow at 2.3% the strongest of any economy.ironic.especially if Romney gets his hands on it and sends us back into recession by doing what Europe has done.i hope Obama wins.but if he does n`t,i hope Romney and his lets destroy America by pandering to the rich remember that is what collapsed European economies.and lets Obama`s and Bernanke`s ideas stay until we have fully recovered.yes,it would be ironic.the republicans who were divisive,obstructionist would inherit a recovery they fraught against so hard.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
mitt romney
what i have seen of mitt Romney he is just another bushlad.he does not have any idea of what he would do.so he is going to do the bushlad legacy.start a war in Syria and Iran.cut taxes on the rich,raise taxes on the middle class.use immigration to distract America from the real problems.we do not need another bushlad.we are just starting to get over the last one.we do not need another republican riven war to divide the country and drive our debt even further up.we need to start dealing with our problems and let the bush tax cuts expire.if Romney wins,we will end up in two wars,and a new cold war with Russia and china.and our debt will triple.and the economy will collapse.
Evil is alive and well among gop
I have never in my 40 years of life seen such racist,hate filled remarks on news media.there was a mass killing in Wisc.and most of the remarks were oh..its Obama fault,or that's one less weld=fare ,,or there goes the food stamps.WTF?#1 how the hell is it Obama`s fault#2 he was an ex marine so i doubt they were on food stamps or welfare.and whats worse is the gop lovers who got on there running there ignorant mouths.this is why i have come to the conclusion the gop will eventually destroy the u.s.then i also ask why in the hell would you instead of offering prayers and love to the victims would you insult so many.if you are with the gop good,but don`t take a tragedy and turn it into lets blame the president and say the republicans will stop crime,because the don`t.and don`t air the fact your gop and racist.
Friday, October 19, 2012
special needs child attcked in george county
a special needs child was attacked and sent to the hospital in George county.there has been no charges filed against the senior,who is 18.the boy 14,has cerebral palsy,which leaves part of his body paralyzed.he also blind in one eye,and has seizures.the incident began with the senior calling him retard,the boys became upset and threw a can.the can did not hit the senior.but he attacked the helpless child.leaving him beaten and bruised with one eye swollen shut.George county sheriff has not filed any charges on the kids attacker.the boy 14,for now is at home recovering.i know the laws states it is a felony to assault any disabled individual.even if he hit the subject,he knew this boy could not fight.he should have walked away.be a man,he was 18,the boy is 14.if i was the kids parents ,i would sue George county school,since they allowed this bully to attack him.
Monday, October 15, 2012
the bengazi attacks
people say hindsight is 20/20.and it is easy to be a armchair quarterback.and that is what is happening with the attacks in Libya.the gop says the president knew.well,lets step back.the u.s had intelligence that plans could be used as flying bombs long before 9/1/01.but what could we do?we can not protect against every attack.regardless what fox news says.and experts have all agreed we would not have been able to stop this one.i do not hold the attacks of 9/1/01 against bush.nor,do i hold the attacks on Benghazi against Obama.the world since we invaded Iraq and Afghanistan has become more and more dangerous.and this is not 2001.we have more dangerous and trying waters to navigate.and deciding to go to war just because we can is not an option now.and those who think shoot first and ask questions later probably have no family in the military.this is not the old west.we need a strong military,but we should never attack some other nation just because we can.we should go after terrorist,wherever they are.and Obama did this,not bush.and i doubt Romney would.the world has changed.we need to be mindful of that and navigate with that in mind.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
the new gop-voter intimitation
Recently several ceo`s have told their employes that if obama wins,they will fire all there employes.and what is mind blowing is the gop acts like these guys have the right to do this.well,they do not.it is called voter intimidation.and it is part of a larger plan to keep people from voting.part-1 voter id,strictly a racist and indefensible idea,its aimed at the poor and minorities which will likely vote for obama.part 2-get your rich allies to intimidate voters by saying if obama wins all of you will be fired.this is illegal .and these ceo`s should be put in jail.if a ceo said if Romney wins your fired you would see every fox news guy call for him to be sent to jail.and,is this really how the gop wants to be remembered in history?as a illegitimate party who won by fraud and intimidation?
Monday, October 8, 2012
My favorite lines fron steward-o`riley debate
#1 john steward-why is it when you take advantage of a tax break and your a company or rich it is smart.but if you take advantage of something you need not to be hungry your a moocher?when you need something,it`s an entitlement ,when they need it it is what it is.-now this is what i have said for years.the republican party has called the hard looks at the rich class warfare,the truth is,class warfare has been going on for a long time.the rich see the rest of us as their slaves.and i dare them speak out idea runs thick.they have cut education,they have cut anything that would help a struggling family,why?to fund pork programs that help the rich.#2this was from stewards opening statement-a good portion of this country has created an alternate reality in which the issues we face revolve around a woman from Georgetown.-this is true.they have called this woman every demeaning word they can think of.it is sick,twisted.but for some reason now,it is ok.#3 the electoral college makes no sense we should go with the popular vote.-the reason the electoral college exist is congress believes the American people do not have enough sense to elect a president.oh,you vote does n`t count.your electoral representatives vote counts. and they are not bound to vote the way your district votes.---now my option-neither the Democrats or republicans are worth their weight in salt.but i have listened to both.and the Democrats sound less racist,and they did not cast 47%of the nation aside and say to hell with them.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
why the gop hates pbs
it is really simple.pbs is the only publicly sponsored tv station.they are not trying to brainwash your kids into buying Disney,or harry potter.and they are educational,something the gop stands against.a smart and education voter population will vote for the issues.they do not want that.they say it is because of the money.no,it is because it represents something more.a commitment to education and enlightenment.the pentagon spends the exact same amount of money every 6 seconds.if the rich paid their fair share,it would not matter.the reasons they give are indefensible.it is truly sad when pbs is being attacked by the gop for purely the sake of their puppet masters.
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