Friday, August 31, 2012

flooding from isaac

 isaac brought winds,but it was rain that caused the most damage in my home state.the pics above are from my neighborhood.we experienced record flooding.several houses were flooded and they had to rescue other parts of the county,there was widespread and record flooding.several residents were rescued from high water.also,a tornado touched down,demolished two houses,and injured the state,there was one killed when a tree limb fell and crushed the cab of the truck he was in.also a flood emergency was declared when flood waters threatened to cause a dam to fail,they are currently trying to relieve the pressure on the dam,but all the residents are still in shelters.there was widespread power outages.but most have been restored.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Abraham lincoln and the gop

 Abraham Lincoln,one of the greatest presidents inU.S.history,and founder of the gop.would be embarrassed to be linked to today's gop.they are racist,ant-government,and have gotten to comfy with the rich and powerful companies. in the last decade,the change has been nauseatingly fast.and is shameful.the so called birther movement is the biggest example.and the tea party.and their message of white superiority has found a good home with extremist.the race card has been used by both parties,but never like what we have seen since bush lost in `08.I was a loyal republican,but no more.a house divided shall not stand.

Monday, August 27, 2012


 tropical storm isaac is expected to become a hurricane and strengthen to at least a cat.2 before landfall somewhere between Morgan city and prepared-state of emergency declared in Louisiana and Mississippi.residents should be prepared for the hurricane.there still is uncertainty to exactly where it will make landfall.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

climate change is real

 despite what the GOP industrial propaganda machine says,climate change is real.this is the worst drought since the dust bowl.the Mississippi river is closed for 11 miles,Greenland`s ice caps are gone,in less than 1 year what was left melted.temperatures have been at record highs and over across much of the u.s.when will America wake up?my fear is we have already waited  to long and we may cause our children to suffer worse than predicted.i myself cannot sit and say oh well,this is not my problem.because the way things are going,we will have devastating weather.where i live there really was no winter last year.and that is a  ,i plead to my fellow Americans ,wake up,it may already be to late.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

the gop and obamacare

 i love to watch MIT Romney and the gop attack obamacare.and here is why.1-they invented obamacare,that`s right all you so called obamacare haters,MIT Romney invented obamacare while Governor of Mass.and it helped bring business their.2the gop says wolf about a public option,while their coup was in full swing they blocked the public option where they could use it as political points..3 they blast its cost-here is a fact under the last republican president,the cost of healthcare exploded,and more Americans will lose coverage,and guess who pays the bill anyway?4just plan stupid-we are the only,that's right,only industrialized nation that does not have universal health care.and sooner or later it is coming..5-we claim to be a christian nation,so why are we so dead set against helping our fellow man?answer-pure greed and hatred.