Wednesday, March 28, 2012

is it really that bad?

 people are kicking and screaming over the fact the new health care law would make you buy insurance,why?no one batted an eye when the government made you buy auto insurance so when some jack off hits you he can get a new is the same prince able.i know why,it would mean the average American would be able to get health care.and that pisses off the rich,the one thing they have always had access to that the middle class and poor could not get.real health care.all i have heard is some lame excuse not to do it.get over it,we are the only industrialized nation in the world that does not have health care mandated.i know it will not happen,our so called highest court has already more than likely been bought off with ,i think america is going to see just what the billionaires want .

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

the politics of race and obama

 I was at first against Obama.every time someone challenged him  on the campaigne trail in `08 about what he said he would do,they were called racist.i began to feel as though he was using race to hide the fact he had no plan.but,since his election,i have also been sickened by the way my country has reacted.he is  blamed for things he had no control over.gas,the loss of our aaa rating.which was lost because there has not been any real attempt by dem,or control the u.s. dept.instead,the keep cutting taxes.that would be like a dead beat dad quitting a job to keep from paying child support.cut the money coming in,but keep spending like always.and the gop always targets the poor and the elderly.sure,it is an easy target.but what about all the pork and cooperate welfare?and then this myth the rich pay more in taxes,please,do they think we are that stupid?and the myth that corporations pay high taxes.the top ones actually have not paid any taxes in the last decade.then there is the way some in the gop act.getting right in his face trying to provoke him.what do they want ,him to punch them?has it come to that?any other president would not be treated the way he has.imagine if a dem.had tried this on bush.he would have been locked away in some jail.and he at least dosent shut down news interviews with a lame 'your interview is going into national security 'like what happened with Colin think America has missed an opportunity.and the reason is racial.and i fear the next president will make bush look like a light weight.

Monday, March 12, 2012

the b.s of its un-american to silence limbaugh

every since Limbaugh opened his mouth and inserted his foot,the rep.damage controllers have been saying it is un-american to silence him.why?when bush had control,he threatened reporters for reporting the truth.and his cronies pulled some off the my hometown a man went to jail for blowing steam off and saying the wrong thing about Obama.the GOP always plays the un-american card when it is one of there own.but when its someone else,it is ok.oh,i think the idea of artificially controlling the price of gas is a communist idea,but for some reason,because a gop member is calling for it,its here is my predection.if the gop wins,the elderly,disabled will be own there own,left to die.while the big cats get new tax breaks.there will be an american-communist government where the department of homeland security will become the kgb.the patriot act essentally ripped the bill of rights up,so it is the next blame obama.but when the racist,rich coporate backed gop wins,you`ll say i was so stupid.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

election and the idea you and i chose a president

 so ,here it is ,another election cycle.every four years we listen to a ton of election garbage,then go vote.they say your vote counts.but does it really?we have had presidents who lost by the so called popular,if your vote counted ,they never should have been president.but,we all know,your vote really does not fact very few votes really count.thanks to a thing called the electoral count.this is one way in which your vote is diminished.these are a few chosen who decide the true winner,not me,not  exists because the government decided the average American is not capable of choosing a leader.but from what i seen,neither can they.
    the truth is ,this practice means that only a handful of states actually decide who the next president is.they do not have to visit the south,or the Northeast.they don`t matter.this is in fact,a clever way to circumnavigate your right to chose.and should be outlawed.