Thursday, November 17, 2011

the continueing saga of penn state.

 I am surprised that people still say the scandal is not about is all about football.we know know this was reported as far back as 2002.and the campus police did not investigate.we know this is not the first time.we know the people were told to think about what it would do to the name of the college.if it had been filed against lets say a professor,do you really think they would have waited?and a d.a.disappeared that was the first to investigate it?do not be naive.there is a lot of money flowing to the school because of football.and they wanted to protect it at all cost.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

autism and me.

 I never considered myself different,and my mom never pushed it.and,i learned and became a honor student .i never realized why it was so hard for me to make friends,now i do.i will say my mom did do great with having the patience to allow me to grow.even now,i have trouble with making new is hard to talk to people i don`t,be good to everyone.i try hard to.and if you have a child with autism,have patience,and love..and never give up.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

why i support the occupy mpvement.

i have become disgusted with the fact my government has been bought by the big companies.the millionaires have no care for there fellow Americans.the poor in this country have hit record proportions.and they want the poor and middle class to pay more and more taxes while they tout a "flat tax".and all that is is smokes and mirrors to distract us from one fact,it is a tax break for the wealthiest and the multi nation multi billion dollar companies.the republicans say it is class warfare.i counter it has been class warfare for a very long is the wealthy trying to make the middle class and the poor nothing but slaves to their company.and they want it back like it was in the mid-late 19 century.were they were the law,and they could do as they wish.remember your history people.and guard your kids future or they will have none they are cutting education,health care,etc.and remember the death panels?well guess who actually has them?republican sickens me to see this country become a corporate state.i am all for helping corporations,unless it is hurting America.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

how can anyone defend penn state?

now,we are hearing that penn state knew about this as far back as 1998.when sandusky retired.and that penn state may have pimped out kids to their most prominent donors.this,along with problems with athletes ,and even the great peterno`s words about possible sexual misconduct of others in football,raises one question,how can anyone defend what penn state has done?they are so obsessed with the legend of their coach god that they rioted over his firing ,telling parents of players to wear all about the image,not the children.i hope someone gets a mind.and i hope and pray they lose every game.even though i don`t care for football,i want them to lose.just for the punishment.

the mixed messages at psu

 on  one habd they protested the firing of the coach who allowed the abuses to continue,then one the other they are trying to say they stand with those they are telling everyone to wear blue.then they tell the parents of the players to wear white in honor of the question to all of them is ,who are you with the victims or the ones who turned there backs on the kids?because all i see is a two faced approach.which means you only care about football.shame on all of you.